Costumes & Make Believe: Toddler, Carters

Results 41-50 from 337 articles

Sleepers with Feet, Size 18 Months

J.W. asks from Chicago

I am wondering which sleepers have worked best for you. I prefer the ones with feet in them, and we do like Carters. The light weight summer ones from The Children'...


2 Questions: 10 Month Old Giving up a Nap & a Very Basic Question Re: Sleepwear

M.I. asks from New York

Hi moms. So, just curious if any of you are going through this? My 10.5 month old is quickly losing his 2 naps a day. He goes to daycare and I guess his "older inf...


Toddler Shoes

J.M. asks from Dallas

I am having such a hard time finding shoes to fit my daughters feet. She is 20 months, and her foot is little and chubby. The problem is that it is not so much wide ...


Where to Buy Toddler Boy Undershirts

H.B. asks from Kansas City

A feel a little silly, but I'm having a hard time shopping for my 2-year-old boy. He is kind of in between 24 months and 2t in most clothes. So it is hard to find any...


Montessori/Attachment Parenting Sleeping Routines for My 9-Month-old Baby Boy

D.L. asks from Portland

Hi Ladies, My baby boy is 9 months old, and we’re having some sleep issues. Our situation is a little bit convoluted, so let me explain what’s going on. First ...


Onesis Question

J.S. asks from Detroit

I like for my 16 month old to wear a onesis under his clothes both for added warmth and the drooling factor. He drools constantly and even though he wears a bid I st...


How Much Do You Spend on a Typical Outfit for Your Toddler?

E.J. asks from Atlanta

My hubby says that I spend too much money on our youngest. He says that he's only 2 years old and dont require all of that. I ususally spend $45 for a pair of sneaks ...


How to Abide Beliefs and Not Letting Infant Daughter Wear Pants in Winter

S.S. asks from Goldsboro

I don't wear pants and my infant daughter won't wear any either. My reasons for this are my religious beliefs. But anyway, its really hard to find skirts for my daugh...


Your Favorite Toys & Books for a 1 Year-old

G.C. asks from New York

Hi moms, what are your favorite toys and board books for a 1 year-old? We have some Karen Katz books that my DD destroyed so I'm looking for some titles of sturdier l...


Help! My Squirmy Toddler Will Not Lay Still for Diaper Changes

C.L. asks from Minneapolis

Lately my 19 mo old has become very active when it comes time to change her diaper. She screams, kicks, twists and turns every which way. Then she will try to crawl...