I am curious. I think of myself as a pretty savvy shopper...SAHM who checks out the ads, uses coupons, shops sales, etc. I may not be as good as the "coupon Mom" wh...
My son is about 3 1/2 years old and he chews on his finger nails and his toe nails. I've tried talking to him about why it's bad, time-outs and taking toys and privle...
Niether is my fav color but i can't seem to find much that isnt' either white, black or a pattern of both mixed. So do you wear white sundressy dresses to weddings,...
My husband bought a ringer style tee-shirt for our 5 month old, and after washing it in Dreft prior to wear it, the dark green of the ringer bled all over the wh...
I buy the following items quite frequently: Goldfish crakers, Life cereal, peanut butter, and diapers. I clip coupons, but find that I am running from store to stor...
I would like to start scrapbooking with my daughter but have never done it myself. I bought a scrapbook but am at a loss of how to attach things to the pages - there...
I'm sure this has been asked along the way, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm babysitting my 21 month old grandson and he was drawing with an ink pen. All o...
OK, here's my dilemma and I need some advice. The 2 families we are closeset to have lice. We all hang out a lot with each other and our kids play together and one ...
Okay...so we are going to Orlando in September. Not really for Disney World, just to hang out as a family. Our children are 3 (4 in December) and 1 1/2. We have ne...
My feet are killing me.. I did some reading online and I think what I have is plantars faciitis..Has anyone out there had this condition and what did you do to help i...