I have a 6yr old son and he started kindergarten and a new daycare. He's an only child and we dnt have much company over being that everyone that has kids we all work different shifts and hardly have time to get together so as far as social skill he's lacking some. In school he's being teased and i tell him that he is none of those names and when they call him those names to let the teacher know.well everyday just about im revceiving emails about outburst, tantrums, yelling, unable to calm him down and i just dont know what to do anymore. I've sat down and asked him whats going on and he states that the kids hurt his feelings and makes him angry when they call him names even after the teacher corrects them. So now my son has been put on a behavior chart marking each time he has an outburst. I really cant afford him to get kicked out right now. does anyone have any suggestions on what i can do to help him control his emotions or should i just look for a new daycare. PLease help
Thank all you for helping me i will talk again with the teacher at his daycare and see where it goes from there after the holiday season Have a Merry Christmas and again thank you ladies
My first action would be to contact the daycare or school (where ever he is having the issue) and find out exactly why he is being teased. If the group of kids he is associating with have been together for a long time this could be the issue. While changing daycare won't be the answer maybe finding out why could help. Not having previous social interactions he could be acting inapropriate for his age group and will need to take it until he learns how to associate with his peer group. Kids are cruel, and we now teach the kids to tattle which can cause the situation to be even worse because the kids will retatilate even harder. Remember the old adage.. sticks & stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me. Yeah they hurt but they will also give him a stiffer backbone. We want our children to alway get a long but we don't give them the opportunity to get through the getting to know each other stage first. It could also be that his world has turned upside down from all the changes he is going thru and is acting out is his way of showing his frustration if he has never had these types of issues before I wouldn't worry too much. Although at this age my son went thru the same thing and it turns out he ended up with anger behavioral issues ( he is now 16) and we are just know finding out why he was so angry all the time.
I'm a little confused as to how this can happen so much in kindergarten in school????? Is it during recess? If this is happening in the classroom, the teacher should be interfearing BEFORE he gets that worked up! Why isn't the teacher paying attention to what's going on before it esculates........? This is the teachers' responsibility to make sure that the kids feel safe, secure, and NOT get teased. It's KINDERGARTEN! I'd ask the principal to change teachers and see if that helps.
I would go to the daycare and talk to them first. Let them know that he is getting teased by other children. Let them know that is why your child is acting out. They need to look at why he is behaving that way instead of just the behavior itself. You need to be the one who advocates for your child.
is this happening at school or daycare. If it is happening at daycare and they are not doing anything to stop the name calling and teasing you need to find a new daycare. If it is happening at school you need to talk to the teachers and then to the principal. your son should not be getting teased and called names. and then get in trouble when he defends himself.
My daughter was a only child til she was 7. My extended family teases and teases...When ever my daughter saw Grandpa she got teased and also couldn't handle it. She was in a perfect world with mommy who never did anything mean or tormentious to her. My dad's advise was to toughen my little girl up. So I let my dad. He would wrestle, play fight and tease her just like he did to my brothers and I growing up. As harsh and weird as that sounds it worked. My daughter quit whining, being a baby about everything, and could handle sarcasim and a joke. She's 8 now and now teases back and handles herself quite well. So I guess my advise is maybe toughen him up a bit. Is he a late summer birthday? Maybe he started kindergarten to young and wasn't emotionally ready?
The advice from JL was spot on. Another thing to try is to ask the school if they would be willing to institute some sort of buddy system so your son has at least one friend in kindergarten he can count on. If they rotate buddies, in time he could make friends with everyone or at least he would know all the children in a different way. I really dislike the idea of a chart which keeps track of "bad" behavior rather than celebrating good behavior. The whole business of identifying and labeling a child by "bad" behavior is unacceptable.