They have certified nurse midwives at Baylor Dallas and at Harris Methodist Fort Worth. I was in the same place you are when I was pregnant. I went to see the midwives group at Baylor and LOVED my experience. I ate, drank, walked and did whatever I wanted with no pressure, IV, or anything while I was in labor. They are VERY natural childbirth friendly at Baylor. I loved my nurses in L and D and post partum. I would highly recommend it! Also, the midwives group at Baylor is part of a OB GYN group also, so if something were to happen to make you high risk , you just start seeing an OB but you can keep the midwife involved too. The midwives that were there when I went there were Lindsey and Jane. I had Lindsey for the birth and Jane afterward. Both Awesome! Lindsey has since moved to Fort worth and is at Harris I heard. I have heard great things about that group also! Good luck!