Hi, My name is A. Crowell and I own Gentle Beginnings Birth Center. I just wanted to correct an error that was spoken by Lisa F. I'm not sure who she talked to but we of course have resucitation equipment for babies and mama's. We carry oxygen, ambu bags, IV fluids and the drugs for the most common complications. We have only had to call 911 for a baby one time in the three years that we have been open. We were able to do the emergency procedures until the ambulance got there and transported the baby. That baby is a happy healthy two year old now. Good for you for seeking out your options for a good labor and birth. The Harris Downtown Midwives will let you birth in the birth tub and so will Denton Presbyterian if you birth with Dr. Fred Cummings. Hope this helps in your search and we would be happy to do a question and answer appointment with you at no charge if your interested.
A. Crowell, CPM, LM
Gentle Beginnings Birth Center
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