I used a midwife from the Grand Prairie Family Birth Services with my last two births. My son was born at the birth center, my daughter was born at home. Check out Lisa Thomas, she was an intern with my daughter's birth, and we just fell in love with her. She's fully certified now. My midwife with my son was Molly Germash, also at FBS.
The experience is absolutely wonderful, and I recommend it to anyone with a normal pregnancy who wants to fully experience the arrival of their child. I had three hospital births before my two midwife-assisted births, and unless it was completely necessary, I would never choose a hospital birth again. You develop such a beautiful, personal connection with your midwife. You can bring your child into the world in a gentle, safe, natural and loving environment. Your body, your labor, and your baby remain completely your own.
The main reason I chose a midwife with my son is that with my other children, I hated it that as soon as they were born, the cord was cut and my baby was whisked across the room. I had labored for hours and been pregnant for months and they wouldn't even let me see my own child. I would lie there and sob, but my tears of joy were also of distress as I heard my baby crying across the room and I couldn't go to him/her. The midwife, and my husband, eased my son into the world and handed him directly to me. My best friend and my husband caught my daughter when she was born at home, and again she came directly into my arms. Within moments I was nursing my baby and my tears were of complete happiness then.
I hope you find that using a midwife is truly where your heart leads you. I like the saying that a doctor delivers a child, but a midwife catches a child. YOU give birth and you are in charge. If you would like the number to Family Birth Services or some more information, just let me know, or give them a call. The consultation is free, and the birth center is located in a 103-year old restored home in Grand Prairie. They'll give you a tour for free, too.
Good luck!