Yes, I was just like you at one time. My intense shyness started in 6th grade. I got to where I couldn't speak to people. I froze and didn't know what to say... very self conscious. I was this way throughout high school and was very lonely. I just didn't speak when I was at school. After graduation, I was determined to change and figure out what I was doing wrong. I wanted to connect with people and was tired of feeling so alone and like the outsider.
I started reading books on shyness and social skills. I learned that one of my problems was eye contact. I was afraid to look at people... it kind of made me nervous. So I forced myself to practice this skill. When I would be in public, I made it a point to look at people as I passed them. I think the book I was reading at the time, said to look at the person, smile and say hello. It was so tough to do, but I did and I was surprised at how many people were looking back, smiling and greeting me.
Another I learned was that when I was trying to talk to people at a get together or anywhere, many times I was too worried about what I was thinking... what I might say next, that I wasn't really paying attention to the person talking. You'll learn that people really love to talk about themselves, so take the time to listen and ask open ended questions and as you get to know them with small talk... you can share things about yourself.
Get out there and read up on the subject and then put yourself out there. It will be hard at times, but so worth it and you slowly find yourself being less and less shy and more at ease being yourself around people. Mine has not went away completely, I still clam up around new acquaintences, but it's easier for me than it was in my high school days when I was practically a mute. My husband says I'm too shy now. When he says that, I tell him he has no idea... if he'd known me back then he would never have said that. :)
Hang in there and know that you are certainly not alone.
If you'd like someone to talk to or have as an email penpal you can email me at
Take care,