We transitioned our daughter to her own queen bed in her own room after two years of co-sleeping in our bed. First off, you shouldn't have to apologize for the 'bad habit'--as you know, there are many of us who choose the family bed and I sometimes cannot imagine not having the closeness and the sweetness of waking up to your baby and toddler right there with you. There is nothing like it! But anyways, for us, the transition took place over several months but she is such a wonderful sleeper now and loves her bed and room greatly--it has been well worth all the effort. What really helped us was that we had a queen size bed in the guest room and with our daughters help, we redocorated the room based off of some bedding that she liked. The room is so bright and cheerful and the large bed was so helpful as reading together in her room was such an important part of bedtime--it still is. Literally, we could all crawl into her bed for books and cuddles, before a few songs, a drink of water, more cuddles.. etc. I do remember many a nights either me or my husband stayed with her till she fell asleep or one of us would fall asleep and stay with her--i was pregnant at the time so i recall going to bed about the same time as her! By the time the baby arrived, she was totally into her own bed and really never asked to come back in our bed, except some early mornings she'll crawl in for another hour of sleep. So let me think of what my actual advice is... if you have the space for even a twin, i would think about that. Those toddler beds are cute but i do think they pose a bit of a challenge for things like book reading, cuddling, and nighttime closeness before the actual goodnight. Involve her in creating her own little space up in your room. Try to spend time in her space to create warm feelings surrounding bedtime. Stuffed animals seemed more appealing to our daughter once she was in her own bed, so that is also a good idea. Be patient with her because i know some kids have a hard time with such a transition. And lastly, just hang in there. My daughter changed all of my prior opinions about infant sleep and co-sleeping, etc...i never thought i would see the day when i could tuck her in, give her a kiss and know she would sleep a peaceful, restful night... but we made it! of course, we still have a one year old in our bed now... best of luck!