We have a schedule. I also have my son help with maintaining a clean house. He is four years old now. From the first time he had toys,cleaning up after playing was part of playing. He cleans up his toys without being told now. All his toys have an assigned box or shelf. He is allowed to play with his toys on either our large rug in the living room or the floor area, but not in front of doorways, and there must always be enough space for mom and dad to walk through. He wipes the table before and after eating meals, while I wash dishes or unload the dishwasher (It's small.) and dish racks. He also helps with laundry. He hands me clothes pins and hangers. We live in Japan. All laundry gets hung on a line, except bath towels. Running a dryer here is expensive and takes a long time. He puts the clothes pins and hangers away when taking the laundry down. This week I have been teaching him to fold t-shirts. He can already fold socks, his underwear, his pants, towels, and washcloths. Then he puts them away. We talk when we are doing laundry. He loves making up adventure stories about his imaginary friends. We also talk about fun things and any problems he might have. Here is a typical schedule for us:
7:30 wake up, dressed, faces washed, laundry machine started, clothes laid out for bedtime, scripture study and prayer (10 minutes), and beds made
8:30 dishwasher unloaded, (He wipes table, changes daily calender, opens curtains, and colors or draws while I make breakfast.)
8:50 breakfast, dishes, table wiped, and teeth brushing
9:30 hang laundry, sometimes do a second load, fold previous days laundry
10:30 vacuum, son plays on his own
11:00 play games with son to practice reading and writing
noon lunch, dishes, wipe table down, teeth brushing
1:00 story time
1:30 playtime, go out
3:30 yoga together, or dancing together
4:00 start cooking dinner
Usually while I cook, we have individual free time, and sometimes I will play with my son.
6:00 dinner, dishes
7:00 bath and teeth brushing
8:00 bedtime stories with daddy, bedtime stories with mommy and prayers
8:30 son goes to bed
After he goes to bed we spend a half an hour to an hour pre-cutting veggies, loading laundry, and watch tv or free time together. My husband and I always share kitchen work. Everything I make gets at least two meals out of one time cooking. I can get three or four meals out of some of my recipes. Some days I do not cook. Some days I do not do laundry. Saturday and Sunday are usually laundry free unless the weather is rainy during the week, or there are accidents with the sheets. On an average day, I do a lot of fun things with my son, and still manage to keep the house clean enough to have unexpected guests. It took some time to get into a routine, but it is so worth it to have one that works now.