Sweetie, first of all, your spelling is fine and I never would have guessed that you're not a native English speaker. That's the kind of thing that I notice so if I didn't notice it, your writing is just fine. No need to apologize for that.
There is a lot that is off in this aspect of your relationship. While I wouldn't necessarily call his behavior abusive, it is certainly manipulative and controlling and is not loving and nurturing, the way our most intimate relationship should be. Sex, especially between a husband and wife, should be something where partners connect and make each other feel great. Where you can be your truest self and connect in a way that you don't connect with anyone else. It breaks my heart to read that he is misusing what should be wonderful and fun an affirming and turning it into something that objectifies you and become all about you being an outlet for his pleasure while he is doing nothing to make you feel loved and cherished. That's just wrong. I would feel terribly hurt and used if I were in your position, and the last thing I would do is initiate any kind of intimacy under those conditions. You should initiate sex because you want it, not because you fear his mood if you don't initiate often enough. And of course he should make you feel wanted and desired too.
Honestly if I were you, I would do a couple of things immediately. First, schedule an appointment with your OB-GYN to talk about other options for reliable birth control. The Mirena IUD contains a tiny fraction of the amount of hormone in the pill and it can be a great choice for some women. The copper IUD has no hormones in it at all. There are other formulations of the pill that might not have the side effects that you don't desire. Or if you and your husband don't want more children, ever, he can have a vasectomy. If you address this issue so that you don't have to use condoms, you've eliminated one of the "reasons" that he prefers non-vaginal sex.
Second, I would schedule an appointment with a marriage counselor. If he won't go, then you go alone. You need to talk to someone so that you don't stay in a position where your husband continues to manipulate and control you. You need to see if he can change his ways and see that his behavior is wrong. You need to understand why you allow him to treat you this way. If he doesn't see anything wrong with this, then you really are better off alone. From what you write, it doesn't sound as if he cherishes you and respects you the way a husband should. It doesn't seem that he treats you as an equal partner and someone he wants to please. He sounds selfish, controlling and manipulative. You deserve better than to be treated that way, you really do.
Best wishes to you.