Burned Out - Henderson,NV

Updated on March 01, 2010
K.G. asks from Henderson, NV
9 answers

Hi ladies
Is anybody else really burned out??? I love my kids and all, but I feel like my life is a never ending cycle of cleaning, feeding, changing, washing, picking up toys, cooking, disiciplining, etc. My house is always out of order in one way or other.....and that stresses me out. Don't get me wrong.......there is a lot of happiness in my life. But, I feel like I don't get a chance to enjoy it cuz there is always something (like cleaning, laundry) to do.
I don't really have any friends here or family. So....I rarely get a break.
My hubby and I are going away for a weekend in May, but how will I make it unitl then

Any suggestions???

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So What Happened?

okay....so I am really burned out still....but thanks for all of the encouragement/relating to me. I do go to the gym....but I haven't going cuz the kids have been sick. They are better now, so I will go back.

Also.....I am going to take the suggestion of making my kids pick up their toys....my 2 year old will resist....but it will be good for them.

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answers from Davenport on

You need to remember that the laundry and dishes will always be there tomorrow. Don't let that get you down. Then get a membership to a gym and go. Most gyms have a babysitting room. The kids love it and you will too. That is my only out. It really releives a lot of stress.

just remember that Spring is right around the corner!!!!

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answers from San Diego on

I think the first thing you need to realize is you do not have to do everything. My husband and I taught our family how to work together as a family, when our kids were very young. you mentioned cleaning, I do basic cleaning every day so I don't have so much to do all at one time.Feeding and changing, goes with being a mom (parent) laundry, we had 3 kids each one were asinged laundry days, it was their respoinsibility to put their clothes hampers in the garage on their laundry days, I did all the laundry, my daughter from very young helped me with the the folding all 3 kids put their own clothes away, picking up toys? from the time our children we 18, 19 months old picked up their own toys, toys were not allowed out side their bed rooms, which, helped keep the house clean. In your home have a place for everything, have rules, have structure, because with out that your home will be out of order, and if you are like me if my home was out of order, it felt like my life was out of order. When my kids were small I used nap and bed time for time for me. On Saturdays my husband was home with the kids so I could have some time out side the house for me. Dinners are easy, I use a slow cooker for my meat, one for vegetables, I have a rice cooker, I use packaged salads, throw some rolls or home made bisquits in the oven and my family always had nice home cooked meals regardless how busy I was. You do need to make a couple friends, we need our girl time, it makes us better mom's and better wives. You are a mom and a wife, there will always be something to do. Hope this helped a little.Julieb

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answers from Chattanooga on

I can totally relate to everything that you just said. I think that the ups and downs (so often more of these unfortunately) are the best kept secrets of our parents. My husband and I are the types that will sometimes kiddingly say to each other, "what have we gotten ourselves into?" So many people that we know would never admit that raising kids is just plain hard, tiring, and trying. I too cannot be at peace in a dirty house. I was just not raised that way. Ultimately I think that you just have to force yourself to take time and get out of the house. Caring for people 24/7 is mentally exhausting. Don't be afraid to say I've hit my limit and then call on family and friends to give you a break. Have your husband watch your kids while you get out and just "be" for awhile. In the past I've waited too long and then I just breakdown to my husband who then says please take some time to yourself. Now, I just give him fair warning and go for a couple of hours. You'll come back a fresher happier version of youself. Likewise, take time for you and your husband. If you have another friend with children work out at least one night a month for you to give each other a free babysitter. You'll probably have to get the ball rolling but once you watch their kids the door is open for them to do the same for you. All in all I guess I'm saying that I totally get it. Some days I go to bed thinking I'm going to do better and feel better tomorrow. Hang in there you are not alone.




answers from Los Angeles on

Yup, we're burned out too! I have 4 kids (8 yo, 6yo, 3yo, and 6 months). I think what you need to do is have a "me" day. One weekend day tell your husband that you are having a day off, and GO. He can handle the kids. Go to the spa, or the movies, or the bookstore, or anywhere that makes you relax. You can worry about cleaning the mess later. I know how you feel, and you are not alone. Your husband works all day, but then he gets to come home and relax. Your work IS home and you are never able to relax, so go ahead and take a day.



answers from Kansas City on

I feel your pain! It sounds like you are way busy, and that would stress anyone out on top of all your mom/wife duties! I know that before my second was born I knew that it would be hard juggling a toddler and a baby, but really, you just have no idea how tough 2 kids can be until you're doing it! My only suggestion would be to try and find at least one other mom friend to help you out...you need to talk to a girlfriend somedays, ya know!? I would sort of linger at parks or find play groups, or even try out another mom group just for the sole purpose of singling out another mom that you think is like you. You could even look on Craig's list or there is a website called (I think) meetup.com. I've never used it but I've heard good things about it. I think just having a friend could make everything better! Good luck, and at least you have a special hubby and you vacay to look forward to!!!



answers from New York on

when did i post this?
yes, we're all burnt out. and i oly have two kids.
my birthday is this week, and my hubby asked what i wanted for birthday?
really. that is all i want for one.
i am completely and utterly burnt out. and then i look at my kids and their enjoyment and success in school and say: i may have never wanted to be a stay at home mom but since i have no choice at least i am doing an ok job.
heck i have nothing planned for myself from now until hm let me do some math here: oh yeah, easy, 12 years. hah and then i will be almost 50. yayy :)


answers from Los Angeles on

You are not alone!

As others have said, sometimes it helps to just walk away from those chores - or at least try not to stress too much about them.

One advice I can give is, if you can, maybe hire a sitter to pitch in? Even if it's just for a couple of hours a week - it may not seem like much, but I swear it helps me soooo much. Even if during my "break" I do errands or even household chores, at least it's uninterrupted time. Occasionally, I do "indulge" with a quiet lunch outside of the house, a mani/pedi, a trip to the mall, etc.

Hang in there - May will be here soon and you'll get to enjoy your well-deserved break!



answers from Indianapolis on

Right there with the rest of you.

As a working mom, I have to balance all of life in a few hours a day, and it takes its toll. My house isn't as well cleaned as some of my friends, but I try to keep the priorities in perspective. After getting a diagnosis of cancer when our daughter was 10 weeks old (the day before our son's 2nd birthday), I really changed my focus on what was important. At the end of the day, it's the people in our lives that matter and will be our legacies. While I was in treatment, my prayer was to be able to be their mom and see them grow-up as productive members of Society. When I want to open my laptop and work, that harsh reality hits me right between the eyes, and everything falls back into perspective.

We don't have family near us either, and I think the people we know who have grandparents who take the kids for a weekend once/month have more balance because they get the time to themselves that we don't get. But, this is the life we chose, and we make the best of it we can.

Honestly, I think parenthood has taken more of a toll on my husband. I think he expects the romance to be what it was when we first got together (before kids, before cancer, etc), and my Mom instincts are to nurture them first.

Life is a lot more complicated in 2010 - we're all in such a rush and an immediate need for everything. I romanticize about what it would be like to do this in a different time when things "seem" much simpler.



answers from Pittsburgh on

I know what you mean...it NEVER ends! I think that taking care of a house and kids is in a lot of ways unrewarding because just by the time you think you're done--guess what? You get to start all over again! LOL
Sometimes I feel like I am constantly setting the table!
At least you have something to look forward to...hang tough and ENJOY your trip!

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