As you will remember from my previous posts, I've been providing this service for 24 years. I too am open 24/7, ALWAYS. The only time I ever find myself without any child is very rarely at night for a few hours. But even then, my daughter almost always announces that she's going out, leaving me with grandson baby boy. He's the light of my life. He really is. But trust me when I say that she doesn't get it. She was born right into the middle of this daycare and knows no other life. And yet, she still doesn't get it.
My husband has never gotten it. EVEN when my 3rd daughter was born sick and he ran the daycare by himself for a week.... Piece of cake right? He will never get it. ALL the familly garbage, calls to make, taxes to do, paper work to fill out, plumbers to hire, anything else...all falls on me. Why? Because I'm home all day.
And the phrase-- Burned really need to cut that out of your vocabulary. Sadly, daycare providers are supposed to be super human. We don't have problems and if we do, we better not let them show. If parents get even a wiff that you are burned out, they'll run for the hills. They aren't satisfied with just finding someone else either. They will bad mouth you all over town in the process.
I'm not being facisious. I am telling it straight up. YOU need to state what will be doing imphatically to anyone that it matters to. Then do what it is. If you choose every 3rd Thursday night to leave at 5pm and go to a hotel and stay overnight, you tell your husband he will be home with yours and you don't take the cell phone or give them the room number. People survived before cell phones right?
This is something that's been hard for me. It's been more than 2 years now since I had any planned time off other than Thanksgiving day and Christmas day. If I broach the subject of closing down, I hear from my family and some parents that remember, that a couple times in the last year no one showed up on a Sunday. But mind you, I waited for them all day, made no other plans, didn't know that neither the day or night shift would need me. I cleaned house, took care of grandson, and the very much cherished "time off", was spent partially frustrated at the lack of understanding on the part of the parents that don't call or plan the accidental time off in advance.
I'm taking 3 days in March. My husband hasn't started complaining about the money yet. But he's dropped hints. This is going to hurt. I have to let parents prorate my pay for the week. I have to pay the dog kennel people. I have to rent a cabin, buy food for the cabin, and this will end up being a family vacation. I had origionally meant to go alone. But we haven't had a family vaca since 1997! When my beautiful daughter said she wanted to come a long, I had to say yes. I may not get many more chances with her. Ya know?
S., you need to find little ways to take care of you. Also, I am working on my words, not very succussfully. I'm trying. Talking about problems magnify the problems. It's VERY important to think positive, talk positive, find positive outlets for good thoughts and it's not STUFFING when you don't speak out the problems. That's a lie right from the devil that people have latched onto. God spoke this universe into existance. The Bible tells us that our words count. We are even told we will be judged for every idle word. So we need to confess the sour things we say so that they can be put out of God's remembrance and so they won't cloud our days here on earth. Boy do I have a long ways to go! LOL.