As a mother of twins, now 18 I can definitely relate. I had the opportunity to stay at home with them because my husband and I added up the cost of childcare for 2, afterschool care for their older brother and the cost of transportation to take them to childcare and pick them up in addition to going to work. It would not have been worth it. I would have been working just to pay childcare.
Fortunately with my husband working overtime once or twice a week and me being very careful with the budget we were able to get by.
Now in 2008 there are better solutions. I wish I had the advantage of a home based business and the internet back then. I know lots of women now staying home with their children, making extra supplemental income AND saving on their taxes with a home based business.
I would love to share the benefits with you. PM me and I will send you my informaion. No obligation .
Double blessings to you! You will look back on these years in 18 years as I am and ask "where did the time go?"