Seeking Advice on a Tricycle for a Two-year Old
We bought one for our 2 year old. She doesn't get the pedaling thing yet but I ... Tricycle for the 2 Year Old ... best tricycle · 2 5 years old development ...ANSWERS
See all- We have a radio flyer with the parent control handle (removable) and it is AWESOME. We even take ours to the Zoo -- our 2.5 year old son LOVES it!
- Radio Flyer with a steering handle behind it. We bought one for our 2 year old. She doesn't get the pedaling thing yet but I say by end of summer, she will get it.
- Go to toys r us and have her try them out. My daughter did better with a taller one than a shorter to the ground one. She had a adorable one I bought but could ride t...