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Results 161-170 from 1,493 articles

Kindergarten Troublemakers - What to Do If Anything?

A.L. asks from Seattle

My DD started FT Kindergarten (public school) 2 months ago so I am new to all of this. She loves going and loves her teacher. I went to PTC a few weeks ago and hear...


How to Get My Kid to Listen

S.R. asks from Buffalo

Hi. I am trying to find out if anyone out there has found a relatively consistent way to get their children to listen to them when they are asked to do or not to do ...


Potty Training

J.O. asks from Milwaukee

I'm having a hard time potty training my 3 3/4 yr old boy. For the most part we have #1 under control, but not #2. He knows when he has to go, runs and hides, then ...


Potty Training Twins

A.F. asks from Pittsburgh

I am starting to feel like a failure with potty training my almost 3 year old twins (1 boy, 1 girl). I started putting the potty chair out around 20 months and tryin...


How Do I Encourage the Good All the Time

H.W. asks from Des Moines

My 5 yo son has amazing school behavior. His teacher says he is mature for his age, respectful, kind, etc. When I have spoken to her about our behavior concerns at h...


Help! - How to Potty Train a Toddler Who Refuses to Potty Train?

J.W. asks from Los Angeles

Hi everyone, My son will be 4 in January and does not care to be potty trained at all. He's a charming, willful, little rascal and we just don't know what to do. ...


Looking Forward to Summer Break - Heak No!

M.H. asks from Lansing

I was at a party yesterday and the subject came up. Everyone was shocked that I said no, I wasn't looking forward to it. Yes, I'm looking forward to summer days on th...


Having Trouble with Potty Training......

A.O. asks from Springfield

Hi, my son turned 3 in May and we are having a really hard time with potty training. He can hold his urine for quite a long time and normally is dry when he get up in...


Advice on Homeschooling 5 Year Old

N.S. asks from San Francisco

We just pulled my 5yr old out of Kindergarten at a Christian school. He is aggressive towards other children in social situations and the school didn't seem to be hel...


Thumb Sucking in 5 Year Old

K.D. asks from Barnstable

I have a 5 year old very willful little girl who still sucks her thumb a lot. She has speech issues and delays as well as a high palate in her mouth that isn't helped...

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