Hello! I am wondering if you have read any parenting books that you really liked and would recommend. I have an 18 mth old who is starting the phase of tantrums and h...
Would you please share with me what books your kids used to study for the SAT?
I bought "The Official SAT Study Guide" that the College Board published. I read that...
I have suspicions that my child may be ADD. She takes an extremely long time to do homework (not too uncommon for a 6 year old), however she shows this behaviour in ...
I am at a loss on how to discipline my 5 yr old daughter when she has a tantrum. Lately it seems like the second she does not get her way, a switch is flipped and sh...
My oldest son will be 3 in December. The past couple of months he has really been a “terrible two.” I’m looking for recommendations of parenting books that ha...
At three years of age my daughter went to speech therapy, she barely spoke at all. After six month she was almost up to speed with her peers and we discontinue...
I have three children. Two have been diagnosed with severe behavioral and developmental disabilities. My question is regarding children and tantrums that can be sel...
My son just turned 4. He goes to preschool 5 mornings a week (9-1). This is his second year of school (he was home the first 2 years). His first year was all about...
There are a lot of parents on this board who love a child who is living with some sort of challenge or another. For me, well, I'm the mom of a lovable boy who happens...
Our 3 year old has been "day time" potty trained since she was about 26 months. However, she's still in a pull up at night.
I KNOW she knows that she can go potty...