pregnant month after miscarriage

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Am I Pregnant?

M.G. asks from Lancaster

What is wrong with me?? Am I pregnant or is it just in my head?...It all started around Christmas when my period finally came after being 6 days late. I did not hav...


Miscarriage... When Will It Happen??

R.K. asks from New York

I found out in mid June we are pregnant with a surprise number 3 and we were happily surprised. BUT I went last week for my first OB appointment and during the U/S th...


Miscarriage at 16 Wks, How Do You Go On?

K.M. asks from Kansas City

I just found out on Wednesday when I went in for a normal prenatal checkup that our babys heart was not beating, I was overwhelemed with sadness and there by myself. ...


Trying Again After a Miscarriage or Is It Too Soon?

H.J. asks from Mansfield

Hi! I am looking for any advice on anyone who has been through a "natural" miscarriage. I found out in December that I was pregnant. . however, in January I started s...


Miscarriage Advice or Knowledge

L.B. asks from Sacramento

I am pregnant for the 8th time. Im not sure how far along. The previous two pregnancies ended in miscarriage. The first at 10wks and the second at 12 weeks. I would l...


Early Miscarriage and After Symptoms

K.M. asks from Fort Wayne

I would like to know if anyone can share their Miscarriage experience with me. Over last weekend I found out I was expecting (we didn't know) and then lost the baby w...


Recent Miscarriage and Marriage Problems

K. asks from Portland

Ok, we just miscarried and I am not sure our marriage is going to survive it. We have a 2 year old beautiful son and I desperately want another one. My husband is a l...


Seeking Miscarriage Advice

M.S. asks from Chicago

I have two boys (4 1/2 years old and 13 months old) and have just suffered my third miscarriage (at 10 weeks). With the first two, I had D&C's done immediately. Thi...


Family Member Had a Miscarriage

B.H. asks from Salt Lake City

My sister-in-law (my brother's wife) is in the process of having a miscarriage. They just found out yesterday. We are living across the country from them, so we aren'...



S.B. asks from Milwaukee

My husband and I have been trying to concieve for about 6 months now. I am extremly regular, I am anywhere between 26-28 days on the dot. I am now at 33 days. I took ...

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