physically challenged kid

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Results 171-180 from 348 articles

Gifted Child Skipped 1St but Thinking It Was a Bad Idea Now.

J.J. asks from South Bend

What would you do? Our child has been very gifted since 9 months of age. Reading very early, doing basic math by 4, and has an amazing photographic memory. During ...


"Holding Back" a Little Boy with a Late Birthday

L.T. asks from Milwaukee

My first will be 4 in the middle of May. He's a little short, but seems otherwise on track with kids his own age. I'm balking at putting him in preschool next year ...


Would You Let Your Daughter Wear Pants?

J.C. asks from Anchorage

If this was 50 years ago and your daughter wanted to wear pants, would you let her? The picture of the father in the skirt with his little boy in the dress got me th...


Looking for Advice from Other Moms with Boys...

K.B. asks from Minneapolis

Hello, I am looking for advice on what to do with our 6yr old son (just turned 6 last Thursday). He started Kindergarten this year and before that he was at home wit...


Need Advice About Holding a Child Back in First Grade

K.F. asks from San Francisco

I'm looking for advice/experience in having a child repeat a grade. In our case, we're considering whether to have our son repeat first grade. He is doing pretty we...


Child Only Cares About Video Games

A.S. asks from Los Angeles

I feel like the only thing that makes my 9 year old son truly excited is video games. Not that he is depressed or anything...he is a generally happy child but it alw...


Ideas for Sleep Training (non-CIO)

M.C. asks from Tampa

My almost 15 month old son has never been a good sleeper. All other children that we know that are around his age sleep at least 133% more each day. Despite this, h...


Kindergarten or Redshirt?

S.C. asks from Seattle

My son will turn five in late August and I am really struggling with this decision. Academically, I believe, he is on target. He knows all his letters, sounds, star...


To Redshirt or Not to Redshirt? That Is the Question.

S.A. asks from Chicago

My 4 yr old son is in Pre-K 4 this year. He has an August birthday, so he started preschool right after he turned 4. He will be eligible to start K right after he t...


Advice on Parenting and Discipling a 4 1/2 Year Old.

C.R. asks from Dallas

My son is 4 1/2 years old. He is a very intelligent toddler with a well spoken vocabulary, very caring and never has met a stranger. The problem is that we (my husb...

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Answer Highlights

  • were not allowed to wear pants in 2 answers "I remember that we were not allowed to wear pants!"
  • playing video games in 5 answers "I have all ready told my husband I don't want my child playing video games at all."
  • fine motor skills in 3 answers "It does NOT mean drilling on the alphabet or anything else. Fine motor skills can ..."
  • never regretted my decision in 2 answers "So again, I never regretted my decision, no one knew the difference, no one teased ..."
  • no matter how smart in 2 answers "... my mom that she doesn't believe in skipping children ahead, no matter how smart ..."