organizing clutter

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Results 131-140 from 343 articles

Simplifying Things

J.G. asks from Chicago

Hubby and I were to move last year, but with the house market what it is, we are trapped in our small starter home. My biggest problem is that I homeschool and I don'...


So How Much or Little Do I Do Before the House Cleaning Crew Comes?

E.B. asks from San Antonio

Ok, so my dear husband bless his heart, has contacted some house cleaners to come over to-morrow morning to clean my house. I work full-time and then run a small busi...


Housekeeping Blues

M.B. asks from Denver

Hi there, I am frustrated with keeping up my house. I do have the Fly Lady book and have implemented some of her ideas, but I still feel overwhelmed much of the time....



S.J. asks from St. Louis

We are moving this weekend (somewhat short distance) and I am looking for all the tips I can collect. I have already checked out (love her!) and got some...


My House Overwhelms Me!

N.G. asks from Dallas

Hi Ladies! I've done some soul-searching lately. I tend to be a totally anxious and overhwhelmed when I get home from work, and I'm pretty sure the reason is becaus...


Need to Get Organized!! Need Ideas for Daytimers, Kids Charts, Anything to Help!

S.Y. asks from Pittsburgh

The question pretty much sums it up; my life is a hot mess that I need to get control over. From the house being in chaos to not having effective routines with my 3 a...


Help - House over Run W/clutter

S.N. asks from Philadelphia

Hello All. I'm looking for suggestions, advice, whatever. I'm married w/2 kids (3 almost 4 and 18 months old) I work 3 ten hour days in Exton (ends up being clo...


House Not Clean Enough for Husband

K.W. asks from Boise

My house is a pigsty, this is not news to me. I'm working (slowly and inconsistently) with the FlyLady concepts. It works wonders when I do it. However, I always seem...


How to Declutter

P.W. asks from San Francisco

Anyone ever have anxiety over decluttering? I'm not too much of a pack rat, but I have some areas and piles that have built up over the years that I want to tackle. ...



D.P. asks from Sacramento

My house is soo messy it is soo overwhelming for me and the worse it looks, the harder it is for me to get into action mode!!! Sometimes I look at it and would rathe...

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Answer Highlights

  • colored moving tape in 2 answers "... tip I can give you is to go to the uhaul place and get the colored moving tape."
  • create relationships with stuff in 2 answers "I also create relationships with stuff and have the hardest time getting rid of anything."
  • item by item in 2 answers "... desk, etc.), put it all in one pile, and then go through the pile item by item ..."
  • set your timer in 2 answers "Their main premise is that you can do anything for 15 min. You set your timer and ..."
  • dishwasher after dinner in 2 answers "... clears their own plate/cup/utensils directly into the dishwasher after dinner ..."