internet home business

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Opening Your Own Business -- Ideas ??

S.S. asks from Tampa

Hello everyone, I am a software engineer, however I am going to quit my job in few weeks to be home in summer and enjoy with kids. I am thinking about opening my ow...


I'm Starting My Own Business... HELP!!! <EDITED>

L.R. asks from Dallas

Ok so I've decided to start my own business, but I'm having problems finding the proper steps to take to start it. I've already got my Employer Identification Number ...


Independent Sales Consultant Business?

L.L. asks from Boca Raton

Hi I am looking to do a business like "Pampered Chef", Rubbermaid, jewelry, makeup, candles etc. I would love your experience; if it worked for you; pros and cons; h...


Traveling for Business and Still Breastfeeding

L.T. asks from Denver

I'm going on my first business trip and I'm breastfeeding. The trip is 5 days long. Have you found the little fridge in the room is large enough for all the frozen ...


Kansas City Area Home Business Moms - Need Long Dist Phone Info

T.S. asks from Kansas City

Hello, T. from KCK.. I currently run a business from home where I make tons of calls and use Internet ALOT. I am using my cell phone at the moment but its gott...


Moving to BA - Utility, Cable, Telephone, Internet Providers Needed!

C.R. asks from Tulsa

We are moving to BA next week... What are the local companies you use for electricity, gas, telephone, water/trash, cable, telephone, and internet? We use verizon ...


Facebook and Others Posting Your Business

M.L. asks from Houston

I waited until I was 20 weeks pregnant to mention I was expecting on facebook, I didn't even tell my own family until a few weeks ago. I didn't do an announcement thi...


Starting Online Business

M.K. asks from Albany

Hi Moms! I started with Mamasource years ago and really havn't been on until recently. I added myself as a Mom-owned business (Marmakib's MoneySavers) even though I'...


Bad Business Practice- How Would You Handle It?

J.H. asks from Phoenix

Hi moms- just looking for some feedback (especially from anyone who owns a store) about an incident I had in a store today. My mom and I were shopping in a tourist t...


Home Business Legally Registered, How to Buy Wholesale at Market?

G.B. asks from Oklahoma City

My sister has a home business that is registered with the state and she has a federal tax ID and everything. She is a legitimate business. She has been ordering th...

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