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Results 211-220 from 14,651 articles

Want to Work from Home

L.H. asks from Houston

I am trying to find something I can do from home to supplement our income. I am 43 yrs old and have been in bookkeeping/accounting for over 20 yrs. I haven't quite ...


Looking for Good Income While at Home

W.A. asks from Phoenix

I am currently working full-time and going to school full-time. I am pregnant with our 4th child and hoping to stay home with this one. I am unsure where to even look...


Seeking Home Employment

C.Y. asks from Houston

I have been a stay at home mom and housewife since, I first became pregnant in 8/2004. My son is now 2 years of age and, I would really love to continue being with h...


Looking for Home Daycare in Oswego, Il area...my Search Has Been Challenging

K.R. asks from Chicago

Hi my current daycare is closing and I am on hunt for a new one, let me tell you it has been exhausting and stressful. There have been some very scary things about s...


How Can I Work at Home...

D.D. asks from New York

I need some leads on work out of the home, I am trying to find something that I can do that will allow me to spend more time at home and make enough money to support ...


Seeking a Job to Work from Home

A.S. asks from Dallas

I have been looking everywhere to find real 'work from home' offers but I need help. I go to school full time and have my son. I really need a job but don't want to g...


Legitimate Home Employment

M.M. asks from Chicago

Looking for ideas for home employment...I am sooooo picky---no selling, no start up money, but something legitimate. Looking at freelance/consulting work. Not sure ...


My Daughter Wants to Be Home Schooled.

M.M. asks from Charlotte

I have a rising 8th grader and lately she has been requesting to be home schooled. I work full-time and I was wondering if it would require for me to quit work to sta...


Seeking a Legitimate at Home Job

S.H. asks from San Francisco

I am a stay at home mom of two beautiful boys ages 5 yrs. old and 18 mths. I decided to stay home after the birth of my second son. Anyway, I am looking for a job t...


Question About Home Buying.

P.D. asks from Dallas

Hi! We are thinking of buying a home either in Plano or Frisco. I was not too sure about the schools in Frisco though. How would all of you rate the schools there? P...

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Answer Highlights

  • real estate agent in 2 answers "... check to make sure that my response was not redundant. I'm a real estate agent ..."
  • get rich quick in 3 answers "I didn’t want a get rich quick or multi-level marketing scheme."
  • dont have to quit your job in 2 answers "She may do well independently, if so, you don't have to quit your job."
  • need to quit your job in 2 answers "... you want to do a good job of homeschooling her, then you need to quit your job ..."
  • premier designs in 2 answers "I am an independant distributor with Premier Designs Jewelry."