Looking for Home Daycare in Oswego, Il area...my Search Has Been Challenging

Updated on May 01, 2013
K.R. asks from Oswego, IL
5 answers

Hi my current daycare is closing and I am on hunt for a new one, let me tell you it has been exhausting and stressful. There have been some very scary things about some of the people I have met and contacted. I am wondering if anyone has recommendations or non-recommendations. Thanks ahead of time

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answers from New York on

Didn't the current daycare give you some options? I would ask them
For some recommendations.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Portland on

In Oregon the State Department of Human Resources will provide one with a list of licensed or certified day care sites. This includes home sites too. Try looking them up on line.



answers from Chicago on

are you a teacher from Plainfield by any chance? Someone else in Oswego was searching for daycare and another provider posted on a bulletin board. Unfortunately no one on our board is from that area, but if you ARE the teacher then there were a few in the Plainfield area that can help you out. (me being one of those)



answers from Chicago on

I sent you a private message, not sure if you received it.



answers from Chicago on

@nora I am not a teacher but if you know of anyone that has opening I'm be grateful for the information :)

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