Henry Cloud

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Results 81-90 from 153 articles

Help in Settling an Argument with a Narcissist :(

L.C. asks from Houston

Hi there, this is more of a relationship question than a parenting one, but here goes: I am currently in a long-standing argument with an extended family member whom ...


Seeking Moms for Discipline

M.V. asks from Savannah

My 3yr.old likes to hit me when he doesn't get what he wants or when he's mad. I've tried time out, spanking, even tried explaining not to hit mommy. I'm the only par...


Family Advice..dealing with Holidays

D.T. asks from San Antonio

I'm trying to get through the holidays just like everyone else! Let me lay down some back stiry before I get to my dilemna! I just returned to work after having my ...


Conflicting "Mothering"...

R.M. asks from Chattanooga

Currently I am staying with my parents while my husband is in Iraq, I love and appreciate my parents, but as of late, there's some conflict with my mother going again...


Help Setting up New Discipline Rules with New Fiance for My Child

R.S. asks from Columbia

I am a single mom who works full time out of town. I have met a wonderful man that I fell madly in love with. We are going to get married in Jan. He has much stricte...


Seeking Discipline Book to Read Re: 3 Year Old's Behavior

W.H. asks from Stockton

I am desperately looking for advice from all you moms for a good book to help in the discipline and behavior of my 3 year old son. His temeper and tantrums have gott...


Advice on Grown 43 Mom Who Chooses Men over Children

G.A. asks from Sacramento

I find myself very perplexed. My single daughter (in NA recovery)lived with a man that is hated by her children ages (23,17, 9).She and her children lived in a horrib...


Seeking Advice...

S.O. asks from College Station

I am seeking advice on how to handle this. Heres the problem. My husband of 5 years is always accusing me a cheating on him. I have never cheated on him nor would I e...


How Long Is Too Long in Time Out?

K.S. asks from Athens

Hi everyone! My two year, three month old son is always testing me, which I understand is normal. My pediatrician told me that if we are to use the time out metho...


I Need Advice

S.R. asks from Detroit

Hi moms! My son is 3 1/2 and since he was born I have had a problem with my brother & his way and the way they dont seem to have respect. Once my son was at toddl...

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