dieting while pregnant

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Results 181-190 from 593 articles

Losing Weight While Breastfeeding?

A.L. asks from Wausau

I'm now nursing my 3rd child and I have put on quite a lot of baby weight between the three of him (I now weigh over 250 pounds). I don't have a problem with being ch...


Need Some Advice to Deal with Pregnancy Health Issues

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

I really need to vent out. It's about some health issues in first trimester.I am now 11 weeks pregnant and a lot of things have happened since I found out I am pregna...


Breastfeeding Keeping Baby Weight On?????

J.H. asks from New York

I'm going crazy! I am the healthiest eater I know. (I only eat organic, cook everything from scratch, low salt, no processed foods, no manmade foods, drinks lots of...


Losing the Excess

A.M. asks from Fort Wayne

Ok, so here's my dilema... I am trying to lose weight and nothing is working... I have given up pop, and sweets in general. My biggest issue is just the excess skin...


Anyone Try Hcg Therapy for Weight Loss?

R.C. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms, After having my baby I'm having the hardest time losing weight. I think i looked thinner when I was pregnant than I currently do. Not sure if this has any...


What Can I Do to Lose Weight..

V.L. asks from Oklahoma City

I am 25 years old... I have three kids... I am done having children. I got my tubes tied in Feb. 2007. However, my problem is my weight... I am totally unhappy with t...


Weight Loss? Not Happening!

L.L. asks from Rochester

Before children I was always very thin...of course, I was active, too, with work. I am 5'4", and was always around 110. With baby number one (who is almost six) I g...


How to Deal with Weight Talk...

M.H. asks from Raleigh

Hello Mamas, So I know that I haven't lost nearly all of the weight I wanted/needed to lose after my son was born 3 years ago. My life (just like all of yours I'm ...


Post Baby Body

K.H. asks from Phoenix

My 14 month old daughter seems to be in the last stages of breastfeeding so I've been looking into getting new bras. Before I was pregnant, I was a 34 C. During and...


Diet Ice Cream with Aspartame? and Breastfeeding Toddler

J.R. asks from Miami

I am trying to diet a bit and found the most delicious diet ice cream, but it is made with aspartame :( Since becoming pregnant til now, I have abstained from asparta...

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