Find yourself an Integration Doctor or a Naturopathic Doctor who also specializes in pregnancy/maternal care. You are having some major issues that sound like you could have some severe nutrient deficiencies--ones that your baby is making worse, since your baby is "living" off your body at the moment.
Your conventional/allopathic doctor does not know about nutrition and will not necessarily tell you to go see a doctor who does. In fact, all your allopathic doctor knows how to do is to keep giving you drugs/medicine. You are right; you want to take as few drugs as possible while pregnant; preferably none.
Also, DO NOT get the seasonal flu or the H1N1 flu vaccines. Your body IS TOO DEPLETED to effectively handle these at the moment. When I was pregnant, I had high blood pressure (HBP), so I was a high-risk case. Other than my HBP medication, my OB/GYN DID NOT allow M. to take any other types of medication, nor would she allow M. to have the seasonal flu vaccine. Please visit mercola.com and naturalnews.net (I think; it might be .com) and read their very well-written and well-researched articles on H1N1 and especially, why pregnant women SHOULD NOT be getting any flu vaccines (either seasonal or H1N1) this winter.
I had my daughter over 9 years ago; after I had her, my health started going downhill. In 2008, I became really sick. My allopathic doctor couldn't figure out what was wrong with M. and kicked M. out of the clinic (he'd been my doctor for 10 years). My new allopathic doctor didn't have a clue. I started going to see a naturopathic and an Integration doctor on my own. Turns out I have a genetic mutation that doesn't allow my body to detoxify (prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, pesticides, chemicals, you name it) or my body to metabolize correctly. I also was found to have severe heavy metal toxicity. I also tested positive for casein (cow milk/daily) allergy, with severe intolerances to soy and gliadin (gluten-like protein in wheat, rye, barley, oats). Further nutrient testing revealed I had intolerances to another 20 different foods and that I had severe malabsorption problems.
Testing done in Oct 2009 shows that I am deficient in L-Caritine, N-acetyl cysteine, antioxidants, magnesium, Co-enzyme Q10, mitochondrial distress, I am on the verge of adrenal collapse, my body's dehydrated (not sure why that is; I drink enough liquids), and I am starting to have free radical cell damage. All of these problems are due to the fact that my "allopathic" doctors throughout my lifetime never discovered/uncovered any of these issues; if they would have been discovered when I was younger, they could have been reversed by simple dietary changes.
And, if I had known about these problems before I had my child, I could have had help in rebuilding my body so that my daughter didn't compromise my body/health as much as she did while I was carrying her.
The best advice I can offer you is, please, go see an alternative doctor and find out what it is (nutrients, etc.) that your body is depleted in and start making your body healthy. Your body is obviously sorely lacking something that you are getting as sick as you are as early as you are in your pregnancy. I didn't become sick until after I had my daughter, probably because my body had enough reserves that it could get M. through the pregnancy. Once she was born, though, my body commenced to "fall apart"--besides my high blood pressure, I also have/had asthma, allergies, Seasonal Affective Disorder, arthritis, sinunitis, yeast infections, female problems, anxiety, joint aches and pains, catching colds continuously, etc., etc.
I am only 41 years old. I have been on my journey to discover what's wrong with my body/health and to repair my body/health for two years now. If your pregnancy/your unborn child is robbing your body of so much that you're already this sick at the beginning of your pregnancy--you're going to be even more depleted once your baby's born and will need you 24/7 to take care of him or her. You don't want to be completely fatigued and unable to care for your baby, right? Please, go see someone who can help you get your body metabolism back in the proper working order.
I am working on strengthening my body through supplements, nutrient supplements, eating 7-9 servings of veges/fruit/day, drinking 2-5 cups of Japanese Mantcha green tea/day, getting plenty of sleep, and cutting out all the foods I am allergic/intolerant to. I'm also drinking plenty of purified drinking water every day. And, I am currently seeing a naturopathic doctor, who is helping M. find my nutrient deficiencies and we are addressing them through nutrient supplements and dietary changes. It's a lifestyle change, but it'll be so much easier making it now, before your baby is born. And it will benefit your baby, who will be born healthier and stronger and not sickly, like my daughter was (that's a WHOLE another story, very long, very sad).
If you'd like to talk more, please contact M.. I've been in your spot and am available to talk, if you're interested. I also have some books that I have found very interesting to read concerning alternative medicine and just the medicine field in general. Also, look at Dr. Mercola's website and also Mike Adam's natural health website(naturalnews.net)--you will be amazed at the wonderful articles you'll find there.
God bless you. This should be the happiest time of your life; it's not any fun when you're sick and fatigued and run down. And it doesn't need to be that way. There's help, but you'll have to reach out to it. The alternative medicine field won't come to you, and your allopathic doctor will not send you to them.
Good luck.