dieting while pregnant

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C.J. asks from Milwaukee

Has anybody used this? My doctor wants me to try it. EDIT: I ALREADY have TMJ. Had it for 30 years and FINALLY got it under control with LOTS of help. :) I wor...


Working Out!

A.H. asks from Cleveland

hi everyone! i have been very depressed since i had my baby. no, im not depressed because i had a baby. im upset because before i got pregnant i weighted 115lbs and a...


Questionable "Suggested Weight Gain" for Pregnancy...

A.N. asks from Portland

Ok, here's my problem. I have just found out that I am pregnant with our second child. I'm 5'11 and weigh 215 lbs. Obviously a bit on the heavier side... My proble...


Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, Slim in Six to Tone up and Lose Inches

R.D. asks from Wichita

Hey daughter is a few weeks away from being one year old and I am still not where I want to be with my weight! I am 22, about 5'4 and weigh around 115 poun...


Weight Loss

T.R. asks from Dallas

When I got pregnant with my first child I gained 100 lbs. After he was born (almost 13 yrs ago) I have never gained or lost more than a few lbs, even with my other pr...


HELP!!! I Cannot Take off the Weight....

W.B. asks from Denver

Hi ladies!! I need to preface this with the fact that i had two babies in three years and nursed both of them for about 11, i had to keep up nutrition...


Vaginal U/S Showed No Fetal Pole, No Heartbeat, Low Hcg

L.R. asks from Huntsville

So all of you who have been following my story know that I recently became pregnant after a miscarriage in March. I received a positive pregnancy test a few weeks ago...


Weight Watchers

C.O. asks from Minneapolis

I exercise regularly and have a pretty healthy, balanced diet but run into trouble with portion control. I think I just need a bit of education and a kick in the pan...


Weight Loss

J.H. asks from San Francisco

Hi Ladies, I am single mom of two boys one 4 and one 1 1/2. Before i got pregnant i weighed 120 pounds i know weigh 180 i need some encouragement to help me get m...


Losing Weight After Baby

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

Hello! I know this seems a little early to be asking, but I want to be prepared. I have always been the girl who could eat whatever she wanted and not gain weight. I ...

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Answer Highlights

  • will increase your metabolism in 2 answers "... contiue to burn calories after and building muscle will increase your metabolism."
  • ask your mid wife in 2 answers "... that moderate exercise is recommended during pregnancey. Also ask your mid-wife ..."
  • great 20 minute workout in 2 answers "The 30 Day Shred is a great 20 minute workout."
  • boost your metabolism in 2 answers "... a botanically based weight loss system that is created to boost your metabolism ..."
  • low carb diet in 2 answers "... given, but what some are telling is not everything, If you go on a low carb diet ..."