Phentermine - Racine,WI

Updated on October 11, 2011
C.J. asks from Racine, WI
9 answers

Has anybody used this? My doctor wants me to try it.

EDIT: I ALREADY have TMJ. Had it for 30 years and FINALLY got it under control with LOTS of help. :)

I work out DAILY already and watch what I eat. We're trying to figure out the weird weight gain I've experienced since having Nova Sure done at the end of May. I went OFF The Pill after 20 years. I had already lost over 40 pounds myself the year before. One of my goals is to get my chest to be more manageable so I can go back to running. I lose inches but not CUP SIZE? I LIKE working out but extra weight just slows me down. SOOO weird but then again I was pregnant for 5.5 months and had NO idea.

What can I do next?

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So What Happened?

In 29 days I have lost 17.5 pounds and my doctor says I can continue on since my blood pressure is fine and I'm working-out daily. Eventually he'll stop refilling the prescription but says I'm doing great and try to get my BMI down some more. He was pretty happy with the results.

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answers from Kansas City on

It worked well for me for 2 months. I lost 15 and 16 pounds. BUT, then after that it never worked and I ended up with TMJ for awhile because I didn't realize it caused me to clench my teeth all day. I started getting headaches after awhile and then ended up switching to monster drinks to get through the day. I would never try it again or recommend it to anyone.

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answers from New York on

It really only works in conbination as Phen/fen - which was sadly removed from the market since doctors were prescribing it unnecessarily.

Also, the research shows that it really only works while you are on it. Go off it and gain the weight back.

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answers from Norfolk on

Phentermine worked well for me.
I never tried it as part of fen/phen.
It can make you a bit jittery and make it sometimes difficult to sleep.
Take it first thing in the morning and never anywhere near bedtime and you'll be fine.
They say it stops working after several months (you build up a tolerance for it so it no longer works after awhile) and it might be true for some but that wasn't true for me.

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answers from Milwaukee on

I take phentermine to help me with weight loss it works

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answers from Kansas City on

If it is just your boobs you want smaller.. yikes, this won't help you C... you need a better sports bra perhaps. it depends on your body shape where you loose the most weight. Wear minimizing bra's

Phentermne - Why does your doctor want to put you on this if I may ask? Usually it is for people who are 30 pounds or more over weight.. not for reducing bust size.

Keep in mind it is only supposed to be a boost to your metabolism. Yes you loose weight, with exercise and good diet..

Also I lost 30 pounds in 4 months!!! Doing Jazzercise twice a week, cooking everything on the George Forman, adding more veggies, less starchy foods. Lots of water.

Side effects:

On the negative side-
Dry Mouth

On the plus side-
Loose weight
More energy
No cravings/Curbs appetite

In some cases people can feel Extreme Euphoria - you feel allot happier than normal, and for some people this can cause them to get addicted to that feeling of wellbeing, and want more Phentermine.

You are supposed to use this for 3 months to give your weight loss an extra boost. My doctor refuses to give me more.. I have asked and asked.. I guess I can see why. (and I gained back all the weight I had lost, not being on it anymore. Now I am back doing jazzercise and try it on my own)

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answers from San Diego on

I used it as the Fen/phen combo & LOVED it!!! I would try it if I was given the chance.

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answers from Dallas on

I took it for 2 months and lost 40 lbs. But I will tell you I changed my eating habits and went to the gym everyday. I got pregnant while taking it and have kept all the weight off. It works yes, but if you do not teach yourself better eating habits and work out, It WILL come right back

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answers from Chicago on

I used it for a few months last summer, before I got pregnant, and lost about 15 lbs. Not enough for me, in my opinion, to justify the risks. I'm doing Atkins right now and am having GREAT results. Down over 25 lbs since July. (My hubby's a doctor (who is working on getting his board certification in clinical lipidology, and we are BOTH doing it, as he believes the old way of thinking about high fat/low carb dieting is severely outdated.)

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answers from Dallas on

I loved it. never did the fen/phen just phentermine. The great thing about it is there is no stimulant. Most appetite suppressants wear off by the end of the day and leave you very hungry. Then you can't take another because it would keep you up all night. This was just round the clock appetite control.

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