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Results 141-150 from 479 articles

In Need of Advice for My Fourteen Year Old Son Who Is Not Doing Well in School

A.S. asks from Providence

I really need some good advice on what to do for my fourteen year old son. He is in eighth grade and doing very poorly. The principle wants me to medicate him becau...


My Son Is 12 Has Trouble Paying Attention in School, What Do I Do?

C.O. asks from Chicago

I can remember my first meeting with my child's kindergarten teacher and her telling me that your son is having difficulty remembering things and is not paying attent...


Son Became Aggressive at New School

D.M. asks from New York

I recently switched my two children from a public school to a charter school. To make a long story short, my daughter loves the school and doesn't want to go back. M...


Pediatrician or Family Dr??

L.K. asks from Louisville

I take my son to a pediatrician, that I do not care for! My sons asthma would have been treated over a year ago, but they told me since he has never been "sick" he do...


Son's Hitting Rages

S.J. asks from Dallas

my son just turned 8 and is ADHD on medication. The problem I have had for years is that he has these rages of hitting, throwing things violent. He only is like this ...



Y.B. asks from Pine Bluff

I have twins with ADHD, and they are now taking Concerta 27mg. They come home from school and tell me that their teachers want to know if they are taking their meds. ...


Peanut/nut Allergy - Seeking Ideas for School

G.M. asks from Cleveland

My oldest child is 7 yrs old and in 1st grade. He is severly allergic to peanuts and tree nuts. The school he attends is not a peanut free school. I am looking for...


Should I Tell About Our ASD Dx?

S.S. asks from Baton Rouge

I have a 6 year old in public mainstream school right now on an IEP. We got an ASD dx a year ago from a private psych and never told anyone. Not family, school, and s...


Anyone Out There with a "Tentative" Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder?

D.C. asks from Boston

Just hoping for some feedback. My 2 1/2 year old son just got evaluated by early intervention and had an autism screening. He failed 4 "key" questions. The pediatr...


Fcats & Adhd

D.H. asks from Tampa

I have a ten year old daughter with very obvious struggles with ADHD. We are currently going through very thorough and extensive testing with a psychologist to better...

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