He needs more than toutoring and testing, he needs an evaluation. First, I would suggest that you call a Board Certified Child Psychiatrist, and get the name of a Neuropsychologist, make an appointment with both. Take your full Neuropsychological evaluation to the psychaitarist and if needed, have them give you a treatment plan. Aslo, call a speech and language therapist and get an evalaution of his receptive langage and processing skills.
If your son attends public school, also write a letter to the special education department and request an evaluation because you suspect that your child has a disablity and has an educational need. You should be sent an inviatation to a meeting to determine what he needs to be evaluated for, do not say a diagnosis, but, you want him evaluatate for IQ, processing skills, attention, speech and langauage (partucularly Receptive langague) and all academic areas, both with Normative evaluations for all academic areas and criterion referenced testing that will give you a grade level for each and every subject, and sub subject (IE, not just reading, but reading fluency, reading comprehension, spelling, writing speed, writing fluency, etc-any area you know is a problem) Do not be "broad" or he will be given "broad" assessments that will not tell you much.
You need both.
Get both a private evaluation and an evaluation at public school if he attends public school. He is not elegible for serivices unless there is an educational need for them and there is a disablity that qualifies him. He can get a lesser 504 plan if he does not have educational needs because of his disablity, but that does not sound like it is the case. First things first, call and make your private appointments, and write to the school for an evaluation. Use the lanaguage I gave you, that will trigger the evaluation. If you have any issues, go to www.wrightslaw.com and start reading about advocacy. You need both evaluations because the school is not responsible for diagnosising your child's medical needs, and attention can be medical. You need the educational part of this evaluation to keep the school honest, and such that you never know less about your child than any public agency. Good luck. MR
One more edit: He cannot have OT at school without having a full special education evaluation becaue they suspect that he has a disablity, and he has an educational need. If he does not have both a qualifying disablity and an eduational need for special education, then he cannot have OT because OT is a related service to special education. SPD is not a qualifying diagnosis for special education, even if the child has an educational need for special education. Schools do not evaluate for this disorder. You should not be going to the school or the doctor saying "I think my son has 'such and such' anyway. You go to the doctor, and you say, my son does X,Y,Z and P,D,Q and you write to the school and say the same, and that you suspect that he has a disablity, and that his issues cause educational need. Leave the diagnositics and qualifications to the experts. MR