class definition

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Results 31-40 from 645 articles

Teacher Says I Should Have My 2 Yr Old Son Checked for ADD. Is This Too Early?

J.C. asks from Los Angeles

My son goes to precshool. He's about 2 yrs and 8 months. His current teacher of 1 month told me that he has a short attention span, gets bored with activities very ...


DS And School Question

C.C. asks from Sacramento

Which is more important-growth academically or emotionally? In an ideal world it would be both right?! We moved our DD to a structured school so that she could excel...


JFF..The Debate- Possible to Be Friends with People in Different Social Classes?

M.P. asks from Peoria

What do you think? Can you maintain a friendship (a real friendship, not just a friendly acquaintance) with someone who is in a different social class than you? M...


Calling All PDD-NOS Parents!

A.E. asks from Minneapolis

Hello, friends. So my 4-year-old boy was recently diagnosed w/PDD-NOS by a pediatric neuropsychologist. He's very bright, but what I like to call "lovably quirky" :),...


Postpartum 32Lb Weight Loss in 3 Weeks but What About the Belly Skin?

S.2. asks from Bakersfield

My weight loss was a bit drastic I lost the majority of the weight within the first week or so. My baby was 9.1 so with that plus the placenta and fluids I know how m...


Karma, Do You Believe It?

J.J. asks from Washington DC

I realize people have their own set of beliefs which are shaped by religion, culture, etc. but I'm wondering how many of you believe in Karma? My definition would be...


Does Anyone Else Not Have a Hobby?

A.F. asks from Columbus

My birthday is coming up this month. My husband asked me the other day what I wanted for my birthday and Christmas. I said I would like to take a photography class, a...


Two Philosophical Questions...

E.D. asks from Seattle

I know this board serves as a political forum at times. I am grateful that we get to exchange our ideas. For me, it sometimes provides a place where I can transcend...


How Can I Help My 7 Yo Focus on Schoolwork?

A.T. asks from San Francisco

Hi! My son is a smart and clever boy but he just can't focus on schoolwork. His teacher has said that his class assignments are late and he gets distracted easily. ...


I Just Don't Trust My Decision for My Daughter's Schooling Anymore

A.S. asks from Dallas

In short my daughter was evaluated for GT/MST program through our school district and while she qualified for the MST program she was not chosen due to the selection ...

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Answer Highlights

  • their basic human rights in 2 answers "... morals and ethics may feel it is wrong to aid others in their basic human rights ..."
  • havent read the other responses in 2 answers "I haven't read the other responses but don't worry!"
  • dont believe in karma in 2 answers "I don't believe in Karma but I do believe Galations 6:7 which says: Be not deceived ..."
  • add adhd diagnosis in 2 answers "... is NO WAY a child of 2 should be at the doctor looking for a ADD/ADHD diagnosis."
  • nourishing traditions in 2 answers "I've been getting a lot out of reading a book called "Nourishing Traditions," by Sally ..."