cancer mama

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Results 131-140 from 1,081 articles

Finding a Way to Describe Addiction/abandonment to a Young Child.

E.D. asks from Seattle

Hey all, my niece has now lived with us for 22 months and is coming up on her fifth birthday (!!!!). She's making good progress though we're still dealing with a lot...


I Want to Draw a Line in the sand...should I?

K.K. asks from Saginaw

Long story mama's... My dad's wife (I'd call her my step mom, but she came in to my life when I was 20 so...), has had a hard few years. Her potassium just keeps dr...


Needing Prayers Again

V.C. asks from Dallas

Some of you already know this has been a very rough year for me. I found out I had lung cancer in January and had half my lung removed. Then our house flooded and m...


Your Experience with JuicePlus+

A.G. asks from Chicago

I went to a "wellness talk" with an acquaintance last night. It ultimately ended up being a gentle sales pitch for JuicePlus+. The product sounds great as a supplem...


I Don't Know Whatelse to Do! HELP! My Son Is Constantly in Pain!!!

N.A. asks from Chicago

Hello Mama's, Ok, where do I start? First off, it's been awhile since I logged on here, I have missed you all! But since I am lost and don't know whatelse to d...


Abnormal PAP

M.L. asks from Seattle

OK, ladies - need to hear some stories. DD is 5 months old. 6-week PAP had abnormal results, follow-up PAP (at 5 months) was also abnormal. HPV, I think, can be ruled...


Missing Mamas/Dads

B.K. asks from San Francisco

Hi Mama I was MIA for a few months due to being busy busy busy. I'm back now and have noticed a few of the regulars also not around Pamela Marda P Martha R Rac...


Answering Your 3Yo's Questions...

K.W. asks from Anchorage

My 3.5 yo just asked me "Mama, what do eggs grow on?" I stumbled a bit and told him that eggs come from chickens. I didn't want to get into the baby chicken thing et...


Dog Bite

S.D. asks from Chicago

Hi Mama's, Here's my situation. On weds of this week my dads dog bit my dd who is 2 1/2 on the face. We think she bit her more than once, but not sure how it all o...


Just Hit Me Today....

L.R. asks from Minneapolis

Okay mama's, I need your help. I'm 6 weeks pregnant and today it hit me...morning sickness. I can't even concentrate all I can think about is how sick I feel. I do...

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Answer Highlights

  • tested for celiac disease in 3 answers "I can't believe that his doctor hasn't suggested he be tested for Celiac disease or ..."
  • chickens lay eggs in 2 answers "I would just explain that chickens lay eggs, then if he ask about chicks."
  • ginger ale in 5 answers "... when I had morning sickness, I tried everything to avoid vomiting. Ginger ale ..."
  • draw a line in the sand in 2 answers "Does he have the desire to draw a line in the sand?"
  • get rid of his dog in 3 answers "... children while you work and now it appears you want him to get rid of his dog ..."