Missing Mamas/Dads

Updated on June 18, 2012
B.K. asks from Albany, CA
10 answers

Hi Mama
I was MIA for a few months due to being busy busy busy.
I'm back now and have noticed a few of the regulars also not around
Marda P
Martha R
Rachel D.
Lee P
Are ye here? LOL.
So anyone else MIA here that you want to give a shout out too.?
This is not a popularity contest ,just to show that we are a cyber community and we are aware when people are not around.
B. k

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answers from Washington DC on

* Marda is here. Just saw some answers from her over the weekend. I could've SWORN I did!!

* Rachel D is here - OCCASIONALLY - she now has a full time job outside the home. So her WHOLE schedule has changed in working outside the home, dealing with 3 kids by herself, etc.

* Lee P - haven't seen her too much - I think she's busy with her new baby.

* Pamela +2 - she's friends on FB with several of the other mamas on here - but from what I understood - she is going to school full time. She did take a break from here for about 8 weeks then made a post about it. But she was tired of the "drama" and felt that she had spent wwwwaaaaayyyy too much time on here (that was from her post).

Martha - don't know.

Tat-2be Amused - from what I know she's committed 100% to her OWS movement. I know she asked a question about a week ago regarding Zephyr's Bday part. She is FB friends with one or two of the mom's on here.

Red - sorry - don't know that name.

I know you were MIA for a while - thought it was because of the new baby!!!

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answers from Charlotte on

Martha R has been away for a long time. It's too bad - she gave parents "free advice" about advocating with the school for our children with special needs and IDEA/504 plans/IEP's. We were so lucky to have her.

Tadtobeamused is probably with her 99% group now that winter is over, and she did write here that she is also working on her artwork to sell.

Pamela had said that she planned to study to be a lactation specialist - I assume that she also went back to work as a nurse. Big job, working, studying and raising 2 kids, including an infant.

Rachel, according to one of the posters on the last thread asking about her, has a day job where she does not come on MP on her computer at work, and then she has the kids to deal with at night.

I got a flower from Marda P a week ago, so she is evidently not gone. (I think she answered a week ago too.) Can't do without Marda's great advice here, so I'm really glad she isn't gone!


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answers from Honolulu on

Dawn below, has the answers!

Marda is around.
Have not seen the others.
Oh, I think I have noticed Lee P. around.

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answers from Los Angeles on

haven't heard from Pamela in ages ... Marda's around ... Rachel I believe started a new job, Tad's in and out ...

what happened to Lee P?

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answers from Portland on

Marda's on here sometimes, even recently. And Tattooed (Libby) is on occasionally, too.

I figured Peg had some stuff going on. Too bad, too. She's also a nice voice.

I may need to do an MP break sometime in this week-- I have to devote my brain to planning for camping and summer. This is just too easy of a way to pass the time...

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answers from Seattle on

I thought I saw Red's name around recently, but perhaps I'm imagining things.

As other's mentioned, Marda's around (thanks be!)

Theresa N's been missing for a couple of weeks, darn it. Where are you? I need a laugh!!

Libby could use some well wishes, her back is giving her a heck of a time, meanwhile she's still hanging tough with her three babes, illustration, summer crew, and volunteer stuff. If I had an ounce of her strength and pep, I think I could climb Everest.

Peg has got some big time health stuff going on, so one million prayers of health and strength to her.

Riley!! You're going to take a break...Dear. God. Help. Me. What will I read while I'm having my morning coffee ;-)

Not sure about the others, but I hope Lee's just busy snuggling her precious babe.

Glad your back!

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answers from New York on

I know Marda P is around... was on today in fact....

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answers from Redding on

I think some of them changed their names, and some got busy and just jammed.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Hi B.!
Glad to see YOU back!

I miss Lee P., too!

Marda's here.
Tatoo'd is in & out.
There was a post by a "Red" today--I wondered if it was the old Red, too!
Pamela is busy with her 2 absolutely adorable little ones--have you guys SEEN those kids? :)



answers from Seattle on

Peg's been MIA for a little while. Others, too. I'm hoping they're all on summer holiday! Some, though, are dealing with cancer, deaths in the fam, and new babies.

Marda's around!! :)

I know a lot of us periodically go on MP bans (Ina's come back!!! 8Kids is back from the cruis? I think is where he was off to), TTBA was on earlier this week about a bday party for Zephyr), so hopefully we'll see them soon! Sigh. Then it'll be my turn for a break XD

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