How Are You Rachel D?

Updated on June 10, 2011
S.H. asks from unknown city, unknown state
22 answers

I have thought about you for the past 24 hours or so and I know many others have been too! How are you??? You have a HUGE support system out here in cyber space waiting for you to reach out if you need to. You are in my thoughts and prayers today as you have so much on your plate!

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answers from Seattle on

She has not left my mind!

I have gone back a few times to see what others gave as support to her question yesterday.

If you are reading this mama, you are loved and we all want the very best for you!! You are in a heart break of a situation right now. No one likes to see anyone go through something like this but WE are here for you!!!

Much love for you little lady!!

Keep us posted on how things go

I posted this a bit ago and I am really shocked she has not posted yet today. I know she is busy busy busy...It is not like her to leave us hanging though...Ill bet her inbox is really full right now.......Still thinking about you mamas!

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answers from St. Louis on

She will be so thrilled to see all of this! So nice.

I know she was on late last night - where, oh where are you Rachel?

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answers from Dallas on

I'm glad you thought to reach out to her.

She's right Rachel, we're here for you.

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answers from Charlotte on


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answers from Pittsburgh on

Praying for clarity and peace for you, Rachel. ((hugs))

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answers from Washington DC on

Rachel, you have such a following - me included!! Hope things are going well today. Keep us posted!

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answers from Dallas on

Still thinking of you Rachel. ((hugs))

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answers from Chicago on

Me too. Hope everything is better today and that you were able to talk it out with your man last night, Rachel. I'm rooting for you!

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answers from Columbia on

Agreed. We are here if you need us!

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answers from Las Vegas on

I have been wondering too!

I hope everything goes smooth and easy!!!

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answers from Oklahoma City on

I was wondering also.... I hope all is well and that you (Rachel) have been able to make a decision on what is best for you! I am praying for you! :o)

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answers from Norfolk on

I know you've been having a rough go of it. Please let us all know how you're doing!

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answers from Sacramento on

Yep ~ we're all thinking about you hoping things will go well!! Let us know how you are doing when you get a chance ~

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answers from Washington DC on

I ditto the mamas.
We are here.

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answers from Seattle on

Sending you hugs, strength and clarity of mind to make the best decision you can.
Hope today is a better today for you, and know that we are all thinking about you!

This too shall pass!

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answers from Pittsfield on

Hope all's well in your world, Rachel =o)

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answers from Lynchburg on

....Sending good thoughts and prayers to rachel and her whole crew....


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answers from Bloomington on

I have been thinking about you too! I hope you are doing okay!

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answers from Phoenix on

I'll have to look up her last post. I saw it briefly before I went to bed something about calling off the wedding but I didnt read it. Its a tough time and very stressful. Rach, we're all thinking about you and hope things get better!!! xoxox

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answers from Chicago on

She is probably not responding b/c she is setting up for the wedding today (maybe) either w/ her man or alone ... it could also be that she has just called it of and does not want to go anywhere, even on here. I hope it all goes for the best.

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answers from Dallas on

I hope she is doing well and she and her fiance have been able to work things out!!!! Big hugs to you Rachel!

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answers from Dallas on

Hugs, prayers, positive vibes, and good thoughts going out to Rachel. I know she will make the right decision for her and her family.

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