best school

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Nursery School

C.M. asks from Melbourne

This past weekend, my mother in law was encourging my husband to look into nursery school for our 2 1/2 year old son. She said he and his sisters went and that it is ...


Home School.. or Regular School....

M.W. asks from San Francisco

Hi moms, and the occasional dads on here, My question for this would be weather or not to homeschool my 4 and a half year old daughter or place her in regual school...


To Send to School or Not?

H.M. asks from Dallas

I am torn about what to do with my soon to be 4 year old who wil now be able to attend the public school in August. I used to work outside of the home (last year), s...


Medical School

S. asks from Dallas

Does anyone have any suggestions are studying techniques. I am a Medical Student that is going to school to become a MA and want to continue after I graduate in Jan 2...


School Lunches

K.S. asks from Columbus

My son is entering 1st grade & I will be sending him with lunch. He is a pretty picky eater & although the school provides pretty good meals, he won't eat much of an...


School and Kids!

C.S. asks from Detroit

I am just wondering if there is anyone who has some words of wisdom on how to handle being a full time student and a mom. I have been attending college again for over...


Too Young for School?

R.S. asks from New York

My son will turn 3 at the end of November but seems to have the intellect of a 4 year old. He can practically read, uses the potty without issue, and has an enormous ...


Sensitive/bored in School?

T.H. asks from Rochester

We have a daughter who will start kindergarten this fall . Academically she does well, she can read chapter books, write and do simple math. We have never pushed this...


School Snacks

C.D. asks from Washington DC

My son is in 3rd grade and their grade gets lunch at 1:30. They currently have no snack time set aside for these kids. On the first day of school I sent a nice note...


School Review

N.P. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Mommies, I'm doing some research for preschools in the Torrance area for my 2 yr old. I've checked 'Leap and Bound Academy' which seems reasonably priced if ...

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