bathroom idea

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Graduation Gift Idea

C.C. asks from Dallas

Hey! I have a question. My friend recently graduated from nursing school and I wanted to get her a gift, but would like some suggestions from y'all. I wanted it to...


What's the Best Idea You Have Had Lately???

T.M. asks from Tampa

Both last year and this year I went after Halloween and bought a bunch of costumes for 75% off. I put them in a big rubbermaid container and called it the kid's "dre...


Ever Heard of This "Vacation" Idea?

C.C. asks from New York

In the neighborhood where I grew up, there was a SAHM who had an annual tradition of taking a vacation from her job (in other words, she took a vacation from being a ...


2.5 Year Old Waking up to Use Bathroom and Comes into Our Room

H.A. asks from New York

We toilet trained our son (2.8 year old) a few weeks ago and though I was not expecting it, he trained himself at night. As such, he will wake up in the middle of the...


My 4 Year Old Waits Too Long to Go to the Bathroom

S.J. asks from Salt Lake City

I am wondering if anyone else has dealt with this. My daughter is 4 and has been potty trained since before she was 3. She recently has been waiting too long to go so...


SO, How Do You Handle Bathroom Trips in Public with Opposite Sex Children?

T.M. asks from Tampa

It is pretty amazing that this really hasn't come up before, but how do you handle? I have a 5 year old DD and a 7 year old DS. My DH was taking a proctored exam on...


Advice on Helping My Daughter Learn Better Bathroom Hygiene

C.S. asks from Chicago

My almost 4 year old is not doing too well wiping after she has a BM. She asks for help when we are together but while she's at school-- she's on her own. I've talked...


My Grandaughter Is 4 Years Old and Refuses to Go to the Bathroom.

D.R. asks from New York

She hides and holds it in. It is a nightmare. She is seeing a therapist. Any suggestion appreciated. Thanks.


4 Year Old WILL NOT Use the Bathroom! HELP!!!!!

M.D. asks from Muncie

At this point, my daughter is 4 years old, and will only use her potty when I force her to. I thought children were supposed to be potty trained by this point. I am...


3 1/2 Year Old with a Public Bathroom Phobia

B.C. asks from New York

Hello Moms, My 3 1/2 year old son is now terrified of public bathrooms. He gets hysterical just when we walk into one, even the tiny one in the kid's room at our g...

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