Advice on Helping My Daughter Learn Better Bathroom Hygiene

Updated on January 17, 2008
C.S. asks from Berwyn, IL
4 answers

My almost 4 year old is not doing too well wiping after she has a BM. She asks for help when we are together but while she's at school-- she's on her own. I've talked to her about it a lot as she is dirtying underwear and she has what we refer to as "funky butt".

Any ideas on how to help her with this? I know-- kind of gross... LOL

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answers from Chicago on

My daughter has the same problem. I sent her to school with flushable wet wipes. They have a frog on them I can't remember their name off hand. This way I know it's getting some what clean and it can be flushed. Just an idea.



answers from Chicago on

Hi C.,
You're right..this is kind of gross. I have a reply on how I handled this with my daughter but I don't want to write it. It's along the lines of "funky butt". Feel free to call me if you wish.




answers from Fort Wayne on

How about if you had her use wet wipes on herself? I have some underneath the bathroom counter and my 5 year old uses them, wraps them in toilet paper and then throws them in the toilet. I'm getting ready to teach my 4 year old to wipe himself too. I think I'm going to try buying the flushable wet wipes for him. I figure even if it's more expensive, it's easier to get yourself clean if you're a child just learning.



answers from Chicago on

we use wet wipes too, just because i dont like to "dry wipe" my daughter after using wipes so long, the only thing is we learned the hard way. "flushable" wipes are not really meant to be flushed. we had to have a plumber come out and it is one of the worst things you can flush. they market them this way, but thye are hard on your system. we still use them, but we throw them in plastic bags when done and carry to the garage garbage, just like we did with her diapers. not worht the plumbers bill. just a little tip that might save one of you money!

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