Hi! I'm looking for a recommendation for a title company or lawyer's office that deals with real estate loans. Our loan requires a third-party closing agent, and I do...
I was in a car accident 8/2001. I hired an attorney in El Segundo who ended up dropping the ball. He didn't do anything on the case for a couple of years which I wa...
My husband has hit me with a demand for a divorce. He has already contacted a lawyer and has started writing up a list of 'demands'. I was not expecting this and no...
My husband and I are getting divorced. I do not even know where to begin with the whole process. I need the BEST divorce lawyer in the area to handle my case. My husb...
It looks like my brother may be filing for divorce soon. He has been married for 5 years next week and they have had problems for at least 2 or so years. They have ...
In the middle of a nasty Divorce, husband does not want to split pension, assests or bank accounts,my lawyer tells me to be patient and wait for the Judge's decsion,w...
I know someone whose house is in the process of foreclosure, would it be to her advantage to choose to have her house go into a short sale instead? Is that possible o...
I have two lil kids under 5 years old. I am divorce since last year and I have the sole custody of my kids. The father only has visitation rights. When I got the divo...