ants in the sink

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Results 111-120 from 126 articles

Needing Some Advice on Getting My Son to Listen!

D.L. asks from Grand Rapids

I feel like all i do is yell at him to not do this or go pick up that. I don't want his memories to be of me always being mean or yelling at him. Everytime I ask him ...


How to Help My Son Potty Train!!

T.K. asks from New Orleans

Okay. He is only 2 1/2 and I know they say that boys usually trainn around 3 or 31/2! Do you guys have any pointers in what to do, he will sit on his potty when I ...


How Do You Plan Your Day?

F.S. asks from Provo

I am a SAHM to my 9mo girl. She is so wonderful, and is beginning to be more independant. My husband works all day till around five, when he gets home he would like...


Spread Too Thin

A.P. asks from Los Angeles

Hi all, I am not sure where to begin, so hear goes. I am a blind mom of 3 kids ages 10, 9, and 6. All of whom have completely different special needs including, Visu...


Pet Bunny?

J.R. asks from Grand Rapids

My daughter fell in love with a bunny today, and really wants one. She is almost 4 and actually very responsible with pets. She would keep it in her room. Obviou...


Dinner with 3 Children 5 and Under Is like a Circus in Our Home!

D.M. asks from New York

If there any other moms in my shoes how is dinner by your house with 3 kids??? Because every night it is the same scenario no one wants to eat who is fighting who is ...


Son Did Poorly on Spelling Test...

H.T. asks from New York

Hello moms, This may not seem like a big deal, but here I go. My 7 yr old son, who so far has done very well in school..(of course he IS only in 2nd grade)..anyway, ...


Embarrassing Question About "Pests"

C.B. asks from Kansas City

so my family recently had a fire in our apartment complex and had to find a new place within ten days, SO we ended up at this place that doesn't seem TOO's b...


How Do You People Keep Your Houses Spotless?

T.H. asks from New York

I am curious as to how it seems everyones house seems spotless all the time, i mean, i work part time, come home, clean, play with the kids, etc... we live in a 3 bed...


For Fun! What Is Your Silly or Strange OCD Issue

L.R. asks from Wausau

O.k. this is really just for fun and I think of this because I have one. My hubby and I laugh over it many times. I have tried to change but can't seem I ha...

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