5 month old fighting sleep

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Results 191-200 from 2,936 articles

Sleep Disorder? Melatonin?

S.S. asks from Seattle

Our 15-month-old son will not sleep. He refuses to go to bed, he wakes up in the night wanting to play or crying and unable to get back to sleep, even if we bring him...


Seeking Advise for Sleep Issues

L.E. asks from Albuquerque

Hi everyone! I really need some help. My eight month old daughter does not sleep! We have always had issues with sleep, but I think I'm reaching a breaking point. ...


Swaddling Vs. Sleep Sack

K.B. asks from Detroit

Here's my dilemma, my 8 week old does very well with swaddling, in fact, it was a god send for us. Our problem now is that she grunts and struggles (while sleeping) t...


HELP!!!! We Are Not Getting Any Sleep!!!!!

E.G. asks from Colorado Springs

I have created bad habits with my 10 month old and I need help! She has been sleeping with us and we recently moved her to the crib. She has been having extreme anxie...


Help I Need Sleep

K.S. asks from Charlotte

I have a 8 1/2 month old. I made the decision to co-sleep. I am a single mom and work full time and wanted to be close to him at night. My issue is not with the co-sl...


Is My Son Getting Enough Sleep?

T.L. asks from Detroit

Hi, I am worried that my son is not getting enought sleep at night. Austin (my son) just turned 2 and he goes to bed around 9:00 p.m. and is up at 6:30 a.m. Austin d...


Trying to Wean and Improve Sleep Patterns in a 16 Mo Old

K.M. asks from San Francisco

I know you have all heard this but I need advice badly!!! My 16 mo old is dependent on breastfeeding to fall asleep. I've created a very bad habit early on and now ...


Toddler Won't Sleep with Out a Fight

R.K. asks from Rapid City

I can never get my 2 year old to sleep without a fight. I hate bed time and I know he does too! We have a routine most nights of bath, books, cuddle, but he will so...


Getting Baby to Sleep in Crib

M.F. asks from Houston

I really need help getting my 10.5 month old to sleep in a crib. We used to do a combo of co-sleep and swing. Nap in swing and at night start in swing then I would br...


How to Get Baby to Sleep in Crib

C.L. asks from Philadelphia

I have a six (almost seventh month) old daughter and would like to get her to begin sleeping in her crib. She takes one good nap in the morning - about 45 mins. in he...

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