Water: Singulair

Results 121-130 from 366 articles

Multipule Ear Infections

J.G. asks from McAllen

Hi everyone, I wanted to see if any of you are having or have experienced problems with multipule ear infections. I have 18 month old twin girls and they have had ab...


Need Advice Regarding My 4 Year Old Chronic Cougher

L.M. asks from Syracuse

My 4 year old always seems to catch colds that make him cough constantly. He also gets the croup a lot. Sometimes he seems to start a coughing sickness up again bef...


Cough That Won't Go Away in a Almost 4 Year Old

M.P. asks from Modesto

I am so worried, my son has had a cough since early October. I have taken to the pediatrician and he has given him a total of 5 round of antibiotics and antibiotic sh...


I Think Our Son Is Allergic to Our Cats. What to Do?

E.E. asks from Dallas

Most people would say get rid of them. Its very hard to do this as not only have I grown attached to the cats but more importantly my son has. He is always loving on ...


Toddler with Seasonal Allergies

J.K. asks from Philadelphia

My 19 month old is suffering from seasonal allergies. The pollen has been pretty bad in Delaware lately and he is an absolute miserable mess. We tried Benadryl but...


Alternative Asthma Treatment

F.T. asks from Chicago

My 21 month old son has been diagnosed with asthma. He's taking daily singular and when he has flare-ups (always after colds) takes albuterol, then often has to do pr...


Advice on Giving Daily Allergy Meds to 2-1/2 y.o.

H.L. asks from Syracuse

I am having the toughest time trying to get my daughter (2 1/2 years old) to take her daily Zyrtec medicine, luckily it is a once a day thing. Up until about 3 weeks...


RSV - Are Any Other Moms Dealing with This or Have Dealt with This... ??

B.P. asks from Pittsburgh

Yesterday my 14 month old son woke up with heavy labored breathing and a slight cough with a temp of 100.1. I called the Dr. and she said to bring him in where he wa...


Breastfeeding W/ Seasonal Allergies

L.A. asks from New York

Does anyone have any good or bad experiences with allergy medications that are considered safe while breastfeeding?


Fluid in Ears - Not Infected

C.H. asks from Portland

My nearly 1 year old son has had ear pain for quite a while. He had an infection, which we treated with antibiotics, but while the infection cleared up, the fluid ne...