YEAH YEAH....... It's baby time..... Yes sounds like it is for sure what it is and in 36 hours or less you will be holding that beautiful baby in your arms..... So this morning get up, take a nic long hot shower. Eat a good breakfast. Get your bags ready and head off. If you want to go to the clinic first, then so be it, but they are just going to send you right over to the hospital. Get whoever you need to see after the pets as you will not be home for a couple of days, but DO NOT CALL everyone else. It will be a long day and theyy will spend the rest of the day calling you at the hospital. LOL! You are one of the 8% whose water breaks before going into active labor and this is okay. What you are describing is the "Norm". Most women get a constant trickle. When your water breakse, the baby's head blocks it from "gushing". The only women who get the gushes are women with small babies, women carrying multiples, women whose baby has not engaged into the pelvis, women whose baby is crooked in the womb or women who have premature deliveries. So your body is doing the right thing. Congratulations.... Have a safe labor and delivery experience and here is to a healthy baby!