Water: Singulair

Results 91-100 from 366 articles

Need a Place to Start to Help Son with Asthma

K.R. asks from Dallas

My 22 month old DS came down with a cold in early November,which was complicated with asthma like symptoms. (He also has an immune system deficiency.) They put him o...


Allergy Relief for Kids

E.W. asks from Chicago

My little guy, 4, seems to have hay fever, although this year it seems to be the worst (for me too!) I have not taken him to the doctor for it yet, since I am trying...


Help Me with My Allergy Please

S.J. asks from Tampa

hi everyone i'm having a bad allergy reaction to what? i don't know. i got runny nose, sneezing itchy troat. eveytime the season change i got asthma but this time ...


Suggestions for 16Month Old Who Alway Seems to Be Coughing

D.M. asks from Daytona Beach

Hello, I have a 16 month old son who always seems to have a cough. It has been on and off for a year. It goes away for a couple of weeks then comes back for a week o...


Anyone Else Have a Child on Breathing Treatments with a Cough/cold?

A.S. asks from Reading

my son will be 3 in march and since hes 1 hes on breathing treatments(albuterol) as needed. evertime he gets a cold it goes into his chest he has a wet junky cough an...


Will My Baby's Nose Every Stop Running???

T.J. asks from Indianapolis

Calling all Moms, I am sure there has to be some of you moms out there that has a good suggestion for us. My son is 11 mnths old and has had this persistant runny ...


Daughter Nasty Cough Dr Thinks It Allergies?

S.D. asks from Chattanooga

Hi Moms! My poor dd has had this really nasty cough, it comes and goes but it's gotten worse lately. I took her to the dr yesterday, they did a strep test which was n...


Son's Asthma Out of Control- Immunotherapy?

A.A. asks from Dallas

My 4 1/2 son is not responding well to Allegra, Nasonex, symbicort. His allergies and asthma are out of control and I'm sick and tired of giving him steroids. I have ...


Allergic to Dogs????

J.E. asks from Detroit

My son(5 months old) is allergic to something, his doctor thinks it might be dogs......I have 3, I had them before he was born. He just recently started having sympto...


Allergy Relief

D.S. asks from Houston

My four year old is suffering from allergies....eyes watering....swollen...itching and sneezing. He looks miserable. The dr. has suggested a 1/2 tsp of zyrtec twice a...