My four year old grandson has terrible tantrums when he doesn't get his way. I am afraid he is going to hurt himself. Timeout does not work and I don't have the patie...
What are your thoughts on peacefully assembling?
Did you feel safe doing so? How 'bout with kids?
What was your feeling about having your children there?
Hello Moms!
My 2 year old daughter has recently developed an aversion to her 11 month old brother. Every time he comes to play with her (or even near her) she begins...
I have a 5 yr old son. I love him to peices & he his my world. However, I don't know how much more I can handle, of his up and down behavior. I would never hurt him, ...
We don't allow my 11 year old son to play mature video games at home. We don't own an Xbox or Playstation. The only video system he has is a Wii. Recently, we allowed...
My 9 year old son has been having behavior issues at school. He has been suspended several times for acting out and being mean and/or physical with other students. ...
Hi all! My 2 1/2 year old daughter has recently begun pinching my face when she's unhappy with me. She grabs both cheeks and pinches HARD! She does the same thing ...
I have a 5 year old son who seems to be a loving, funny guy who lost his dad through separation about 1 1/2 yrs. ago. He loves me with all his heart and is very atten...
My little boy is generally happy, charming, and has a great sense of humor. But he definitely has a "dark" side, and his stubbornness, tantrums, and violent behavior ...
I know tantrums are a completely normal part of development for children my son's age, but I am getting so frustrated.
My son has violent tantrums where he screams...