Teething: Miracle Blanket

Results 51-60 from 113 articles

10 Week Old Won't Sleep More than 3 Hours at Night

W.T. asks from New York

The title says it all. Between pregnancy and this baby, it's been since January that I've not slept for any stretch of time! Here's a general schedule: -- 7PM fall...


Scratching and Rubbing in Bed

A.B. asks from Kansas City

Hi, I hope you can help me with this problem. My 3.5 month old, if I do not swaddle him, will scratch his face bloody and rub his eyes purple as he is trying to fall...


Never Before Night Wakings

J.P. asks from New York

My son has recently begun waking up at night (every 3 hours). He was in a swing (due to reflux) for the first 3 months and then we moved him to his crib. He did great...


Sleeping by Herself

M.S. asks from Columbus

My baby girl is almost 10 weeks old and while I was pregnant I told myself I would make her sleep by herself when she was born. Then when I had her and we were in th...


Looking for Help with Older Infant Still in Need of Being Swaddled

D.N. asks from Barnstable

My 6 month old still needs to be swaddled when he goes to bed. He was sleeping through the night at 2 months, but after being sick a few months ago, that all stopped....


Gripe Water - Good or Bad?

C.G. asks from San Luis Obispo

i have an 11 day old with a "hurting belly" i just bought some gripe water (suggested by my lactation consultant) if you have used it can you give me some feedback? :)


Very Fussy Baby

M.O. asks from South Bend

this past week my little one has been pretty fussy off and on all day and early night. He hasn't been sleeping like he used too which i know is coming very a newborn ...


Sleep in Crib or Hold the Baby All Day?

M.L. asks from Philadelphia

It has been 10 years since my last baby, so maybe I am just not remembering well, but my 2 week old baby sleeps only for 15 minutes in her co-sleeper or crib and the...


Help! My 7 Month Old Won't Sleep at Night!

D.G. asks from Oklahoma City

Ladies, I'm in desperate need of your help. My son is 7 months old and up until about a month and a half ago, was going to bed at 9 and sleeping til 3 or 4, then eat...


Newborn Sleeping

J.W. asks from Dallas

Hi Ladies, I am hoping someone has some advise for me on the topic of newborn sleeping. Here is my situation. i have a six week old son, and will be returning to wor...