Teddy Bears: Infant

Results 51-60 from 251 articles

Etiquette Question

S.S. asks from Los Angeles

My baby is currently enrolled fulltime in infant daycare and has three main teachers. For teacher appreciation week, the director has announced that she is collectin...



S.M. asks from Columbus

My grandson has a hard time going to sleep at night. It is so frustrating. He was a drug exposed infant at birth and death in one ear(no ear canal opening). Do any...


Nursery Ideas

C.B. asks from Rapid City

okay, i am finally expecting baby # 2 in april and need advice on nusery ideas. i have a one year old son that will be sharing his VERY TINY room with the baby. i nee...


Sleeping with Blankets

J.B. asks from Missoula

I have not allowed my baby any blankets in the crib at night, per SIDS advise. At what age is it safe to put a blanket in the crib overnight?


Big Sister Gift

C.H. asks from Denver

We are getting ready to welcome baby #2 and are trying to figure out something sweet that the baby can give to our DD (17mo) upon his/her arrival. We were thinking ei...


2 Year Old Sleep Problems - Please Help

S.P. asks from New York

Hi. My almost 2 year old is having sleep problems and I m 8.5 months pregnant and nearly going insane from it. She will wake up and scream and cry all night. All she ...


Is This Weird? How to Handle This? Any Adopting/adopted Moms Out There.

J.K. asks from Mansfield

My sister in law called me today and asked if I thought it would be weird to throw her a baby shower when she was not expecting. She has been trying fertility treatme...


Tried CIO with 3 Month Old, but Couldn't Handle It. Did I Damage My Child?

A.B. asks from Los Angeles

I'm probably going to sound pathetic... But here it goes. My 3 month old baby girl only sleeps in my arms during the day, I've tried many different things to have he...


Noah's Ark Themed Party Ideas

J.G. asks from San Antonio

Friend is having a baby shower soon. I am helping host. Her theme is "Noah's Ark" and she also plans to decorate the nursery with Farm Animals. Aside from Noah's Ark ...


Grandma Looking for Sleep Advice

L.T. asks from South Bend

We have a new grandaughter and both her and her mom live with us. she was just born and is only 6 days old. My daughter does not want to get the baby in the habit of ...