First off, not all your childrens' problems is your fault. Especially medically. Bedwetting is usually hereditary as well as emotionally induced. Sometimes the kidneys and bladder takes longer to mature and develop and this can cause delayed control of night time bed wetting. My son was diagnosed with this and the dr. gave him a nose spray and he took the meds for 3 months and hasn't wet the bed since he was 12 years old. He happened to sleep very deeply too which didn't help the situation when we were told to get him up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom!So go to the doctor and ask him/her about nose spray that helps with bed wetting. Now for your original question. How can you get your 5 year old from needing to twirl your hair at night to calm himself? If you haven't tried a doll with hair don't worry that he is a boy and dolls are for girls according to society. It's a crock! Try it, they make boy dolls now but long hair is probably his preference. It may not work because your son is using this time to be near you. If you already tried it and you don't mind him twirling your hair then let him. Is it making your hair fall out? Not likely unless he is pulling it real hard! Are you hurting him emotionally? Not in my opinion. You are helping him cope and relax. Will he grow out of it? Most likely, but I knew a grown man that loved twirling hair and was not a deviant( bad guy) in any way. So it isn't necessarly a sign of bad things to come! Picky eater? Try offering something new to try before he gets his favorite food but if he tries it and doesn't like it then you have to give him his favorite food in place of it if he actually tries it. He sounds like a really smart little boy so you can't fool him as easily as most five year olds. Good luck and don't be so hard on yourself. Parenting is the hardest job on earth and we all make mistakes. Your concern for him shows that you try and that is really what is important.