Step Child & Step Grandchild: Toddler, Baby Einstein

Results 41-50 from 217 articles

10 Month Old in Carseat for 5 Hours

N.W. asks from San Diego

I am getting ready to take a little get away trip this weekend. After mapquesting it we realized that this is going to be a five hour drive and that causes a little ...


Traveling to Europe with 11 Month Old

J.S. asks from Chicago

Does anyone have advice for traveling overseas with an 11 month old? My husband and I are planning to take our daughter to Paris then to Prague for my cousins weddin...


Traveling with 4-Month Old

M.K. asks from San Francisco

We are flying across the country at the end of this month with our 4-month old daughter and are looking for any advice or tips you may have. Any must-haves for the ca...


My Daughter Screams When I Feed Her

B.R. asks from New York

My 10 month old loves her food so much that if I take too long between spoonfuls she screeches. I know that this is her way of saying, "I'm hungry, hurry up" but wha...


Taking Our 8 Month to Spain for Christmas

S.S. asks from Nashville

We are flying to Spain for an eight day Christmas trip this year. Our daughter will be 8 months old at the time of the trip. We would love some advice from those of...


Long Flight with a 10 Month Old.

A.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hello wonderful Mommies. I am going on a vacation to Aruba next week with my husband and 10 month baby boy. YAY. My parents will be there too so this vacation coul...


Help Getting My 3 Month Old to Nap....

D.B. asks from San Diego

I have a beautiful baby boy who just turned 3 months old....He has never been able to fall asleep on his own for naps, but needs us to rock or hold him or walk around...


Screaming 9 1/2 Month Old

T.M. asks from Anchorage

My 9 1/2 month old is a screamer. I don't think he is in pain but he might be. He was a colicky baby until he was around 4 months and then he seemed to be content f...


How Do You Get Anything Done with an 8 Month Old?

L.K. asks from Los Angeles

I'm a single mom and my baby is now crawling, and pulling herself up on absolutely everything. Which is great, except when I need to actually get something done like ...


Getting 6 Month Old to Attach to a Lovey

E.C. asks from Los Angeles

I have a 6 month old little girl that has a pretty severe case of seperation anxiety, and I'd like to help her to become attached to a lovey, to comfort her when I ca...