Star Wars or Clone Wars: Toddler

Results 81-90 from 370 articles

Birthday Party Place Suggestions for 6 Year Old Boy

Y.B. asks from Chicago

My boys turn 6 and 2 in July and I am stuck as to where to have their birthday party this year. We did a party at the park once which was not bad ( need to be creativ...


Gun Toys & Light Sabers

A.P. asks from New York

So I have an almost 4 year old son. I never gave much thought as to whether or not I'd let him play with toy guns and the like, because I figured I wouldn't buy them ...


Twhat's the Best Nerf Dart Gun for Target Practice for 7 Year Old Boys?

D.B. asks from San Francisco

Hi! My son is turning 7 and we are having his birthday party next month. He is crazy about star wars. We want to have a game where we have pictures (like on cardboard...


Would This Bother You?

C.V. asks from Bloomington

My son is 6 years old and at school he primarily plays with this one girl. He is always talking me he loves her and is going to marry her. He has always preferred t...


My 3 Year Old Son Loves to Dress like a princess.......what Should I Do?

K.L. asks from Santa Barbara

For about 4 months my 3 year old son has been very attracted to the Disney princessess and any other princess-like characters. When he has the opportunity he likes t...


My 4 Year Old Hates Toothpaste!

A.O. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms, So I have a 4 1/2 year old boy who hates all forms of toothpaste...I have tried all of the kids' versions - bubble gum, fruit, strawberry, etc. I can bar...


Is It Ok to Buy My Son Girl Toys?

C.Y. asks from Chicago

I have a son you will be 5 in March and a daughter who will be 3 in February. The issue is that my son likes to play with girl toys, watch princess movies, and pret...


Sleepover Movie for 9 Year Olds

L. asks from Mobile

Hey All, That about says it all! We're pondering the option of a sleepover b'day party with pizza and a movie for our soon-to-be-nine-year-old daughter. What wou...


Please Help Me Understand Silent Auctions

N.Z. asks from Los Angeles

My child’s school is having a fundraising event in a few weeks. There will be a silent auction and the proceeds from the auction will be use to make some improvemen...


Movie Question

D.K. asks from Denver

My son who is four LOVES super heroes, I mean loves them. I have watched with him all the Spiderman movies, I felt they were simple in nature, only super hero violen...