Skin Cancers: Desitin

Results 11-20 from 123 articles

Advice Needed on Skin Care for 2 Month Old...

R.H. asks from San Francisco

My 2 month old son has a slight case of cradle-cap. I have heard of a few home rememdies on how to care for it, does anyone know of "care tips" for cradle-cap? - whe...


Severe Diaper Rash

C.C. asks from Houston

my daughter is 2weeks old; she has a severe diaper rash...we have tried putting Butt Paste and Desitin and havent seen a difference...what else should we use to put o...


Diaper Rash

S.T. asks from Denver

Any recommendations for cream to treat diaper rash? I've been using Desitin regularly, and i guess it's ok. Last time we were at the ped, he prescribed us some stuff ...


Need Advise on Diaper Rash

N.L. asks from Boca Raton

My son poops a lot since I have been feeding him baby food - his rear end gets really red & looks like burn marks in the sensitive locations from the wiping. I have t...


Diaper Rash

S.H. asks from Denver

I am having a unique experience with my 9 month old son. He is teething and is getting occasional diaper rash. I use Desitin because it is the only thing that worke...


Severe Diaper Rash During Flu

K.R. asks from Boise

My son who is 15 months old has had the flu for about 4 or 5 days now and has awful and I mean really awful diaper rash from all the diarrea he has had. What can I d...


Seeking Help with a Scalded Butt from Too Much Diarrhea

L.B. asks from Houston

Help! My 6 month old granddaughter just got out of the hospital after a terrible bout of stomach flu. She lost 1.3 lbs in 24 hrs. Now that she is better, she has the...


Out of Control Diaper Rash

C.R. asks from Greensboro

My 10 month old son has a ridiculous diaper rash that doesn't seem to be getting any better. He has had a bad rash like this once before and his pediatrician prescrib...


6-Month Old Daughter's Mouth Breaking Out

L.H. asks from Cincinnati

I have a 6-month old baby girl and over the last couple of months she gets really red and irritated around her mouth. It's almost like a red rash but sometimes get dr...


Heat Rash on My 15 Months?

G.T. asks from San Francisco

Hi moms, My 15 month old daughter has had a "rash" for the last 2 weeks. It began by small dots on her belly and after a few days spread everywhere (arms, legs, back...