Skin & Bodycare: Desitin

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18 answers

Biters at Day Care

I want to know what is expected of the child care center, if my child is bitten by another child. What should the child care center do? What should the parents of the biter be expected to do? What should the parents of biten child be told to do? What do you want to hear from the child care classroom staff as well as administrative staff?


Rash: Bumpy Skin

Ladies, My daughter is 14 months old and she went swimming in a pool last...

Skin Problems

See all 33 articles
11 answers

4Yr Old Daughter Having Problems with Her Private Area

I was wondering if anyone had a daughter have problems with her private area? Mine tells me it burns all the time. I have taken her to the Dr. and the tell me that is is called voiding and that urine is sitting there and irritating the skin. Also wiping hard and vigorous. I gave her a bath and then washed her off and she kept crying that it burned even after she got out of the bath and dried her off. i am at a loss I don't know how to help her and figure this out. I don't know what could bring it on more than others she goes to the bathroom...


Rash with Swim Diaper

My son has been getting red spots in the diaper area, the spots are the size...


Sick of My Skin!

Anyone has any ideas or products that work well for acne? I had a lot of...